Wednesday, May 04, 2022

More Establishment

 The establishment had 2 horses in the Ohio governors race; we, the people, had one.

Many Blystone voters would never have voted for DeWine light. A businessman, farmer, non-politician vs. DeWine would have had better odds. Renacci should have bowed out.

  To prove my point, the establishment had 2 horses in this race. many articles mentioned only DeWine and Renacci, such as this statement from various news sources I found on the web:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is an incumbent facing a challenge from Jim Renacci.

No word of Blystone!

So for all those who refuse to think outside the box, this is what you get – more DeWine, and maybe we can get more de-masks, more de-lock downs, and perhaps more de-less freedom with reelecting de-establishment choice but remember it was your vote so no de-whining cause your leader is DeWine because whats your other option in November? A De-mocrat.

Carey On...

Monday, May 02, 2022

Joe Blystone is a winner

 I heard Joe Blystone speak.

Joe gave his testimony and then went on to say he felt the nudge from God to run for governor (Ohio).
How often have we heard someone say that God told me this will happen, or I will win because God told me, so it has to be.
So many people use God told me this, only to see them fall flat or the complete opposite happen.
But the difference with Joe Blystone is this – he said he felt God nudge him to run – period.
Joe did not follow it up with, so it must be I am going to be the next governor because God told me, no - he felt called to run for governor.
I like that.
Could Blystone be the next governor? Sure. Or could it be God called Blystone to run as governor just to deliver a message? Sure again.
Understand that God calls the unqualified and qualifies them for the race. Ultimately the outcome is also God's.
Whatever the results will be, Blystone is a winner, he listened, and he ran.
I like that.
Carey On...