Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Clearing Out All Notes From 2014

Friends, I am clearing out all of the notes I jotted down and articles I started in 2014. I accumulated these throughout the year so please remember that as I am just NOW posting what I wrote months and weeks ago. So here they are, random thoughts and notes in no particular order:

Is the US the anti-Christ? I had an epiphany one night at work - Could the US be the anti-Christ? I just heard about the US wanting to put sanctions on Russia that would make it hard for that country to buy or sell their goods. How many countries has the US put sanctions on? Is the US the beast? I know Americans are straying far left in regards to respect and belief in God and religion and placing the government instead as their supplier for their needs. When God supplies there are no conditions when government is the supplier there are many.

Russian Putnam needs to go. He stands in the way of the world banks and a world government. That is why dictators and strong independent leaders are being taken out and democracy is being ushered in. Sure democracy is a good thing when implemented properly and with the right motive. But I am afraid dictators need to go and democracy set up so the people will ultimately get so tired of wars and economic hardship they will stand in line and vote for a one world leader to handle things.

What happened to the Malaysian airliners? I found this so fascinating that a country could lose two airplanes. My immediate thought on hearing about the second Malaysian airplane that was supposedly downed by Russia over the Ukraine was - Could the second airplane actually be the first airplane that went missing? Was this all staged to put pressure on Putin? Why don't we hear about this anymore?

Oil price slide. What is intended to ruin Russia’s economy can also hurt ours. Short term this oil price drop is great for everyone but too much of a drop we could once again see oil sky rocket to levels above 4 bucks per gallon. This same scenario played out in the early 90’s when oil fell. US refineries couldn’t compete and ultimately shut down. Somehow a freeze or a set price needs to put in place. I said for some time that a price of $2.50 per gallon would stabilize things and it is a price most Americans could live with, this up and down plays havoc with everyone’s budget including city budgets.

Oil price slide thought 2. Is this also a way for Obama to stop the completion of the pipe line? Environmental nuts would love it.

One last thought on the oil drop though it is more of a question as I don’t know. I wrote an article a few years back about oil prices going up and the reasons why. One reason was speculators driving the oil price up. Well what happened to the speculators did they suddenly stop bidding and or buying? Maybe the US government and world banks control this commodity more than we think? Does the price really rest on what they say and the speculators are just scape goats and the rest of the reasons are just excuses?

Sometimes quitting is only a door for new beginnings. I have said this for some time regarding events in my life even regarding my involvement with politics. The Republican party has lied, manipulated, waffled on homosexuality, immigration, gave us Agenda 21, Patriot act, SB 193, Nixon, Bush, Bush Jr., McCain, Romney, shall I go on? So quitting the GOP has broadened my outlook in a positive manner by joining with Constitution Party. Stay where you are trying to change the unchangeable or join us and build a party. Time is wasting.

This is what we are up against. I was having a discussion on Facebook about amnesty. This is the reply I received - Leonnah wrote: "Obama cant even get his own people To lock his own front doors. How the hell do you expect Him to close borders??? He's not super man , cut the man some slack . If u ask me he did a hell of a lot more than BUSH did. He really does have a lot of people against him on things. He has a lot of people who make him look bad. Some things are out of his hands.

We really are becoming a nation of suckers and fools.

Tea Party – Christian – Conservatives still don't get it. This is part of an email discussion I had about promoting the Constitution Party and the growth of that party. N wrote: Any headway this party makes will be more support for the evil democrats. BAD news.

In return I wrote: God says stand firm for what is the truth, tell me where is the truth in supporting a Republican Party that now endorses homosexuality? I need a serious answer so I can understand. I constantly challenge and ask Conservatives the above question but never have I received an answer. When I do I will share it.

I was asked by several my feelings on the last election. They are very mixed. I have lost complete faith in the GOP stopping the sodomite agenda, overturning Obamacare, sending back the illegals, getting rid of NAFTA just to name a few issues. Have these GOP victories slowed the advance of communism into this country - maybe a bit.

Don't Complain about Trash Fees that May be Coming to Wickliffe If people think 200.00 a year is high for trash service, see what we pay monthly in Barberton or check alternatives. In Barberton, if it doesn't fit in the can, yard waste and all, it isn't taken. If it is left on the curb-you are cited. Anything that doesn't fit in a can has to have a sticker that is purchased through the city and the cost varies with the size of the item. You guys get quarterly bills and we are charged monthly, and that includes the watershed fee also.
Its sad that people have gotten so use to being taxed and or fees added for basic services that when someone else gets gouged but in a lesser manner we say hey we got it worse so shut up and accept it. Corruption got us to this point and on no level should we succumb quietly. Politicians and the criminal element have driven prices up and bankrupted our nation where the government needs to raise taxes. Yes it is but one reason but it is a very real legit reason.
As for garbage fees in Wickliffe,I say shut down the parks or just let them go to nature and let us enjoy the woods. There are ways to cut expenses. Even the elaborate court houses such as the one built in Willoughby a few years back, why not a simple brick and mortar square building?

Election thoughts, a look at only two races. Dave Macko lost because he tried to do it his way. The average American voter cannot grasp more than a few issues and the majority are still swayed by warm and fuzzy high dollar campaigns. Whether Dave was right or wrong he displayed all his cards and that alienated more than a few. He should have concentrated on a few issues and ran with those. Conspiracy theories again whether right or wrong do not work on the average voter, Dave should have left those aside. On a few stances I had a problem with Dave but on a whole he was THE MAN for the job. We missed it and are sorely hurting not having Macko represent us. Now we are left with the task of hounding Dave Joyce as if suddenly he will listen to the Tea Party movement and turn right. As for me, you can call Joyce’s office to complain I won’t. After all why should he listen, he won the election and will again and again until he decides to retire or we retire him by electing him a new rep.

Kim Laurie lost because of the fickle voter. People complain they want one of us, an average person elected and not a lawyer or career politician but when the time comes they vote contrary of what they've been seeking. Kim Laurie was that candidate. Word on the street was she is not knowledgeable enough and has no experience but again people also complain of career politicians. And as much as people like bogeyman stories and listen to conspiracies and sort of believe them when the time comes to vote they can't separate conspiracies that are true from fabricated lies that sound good because they don't want to face the truth. So hats off to Dan Troy for exploiting this against Kim Laurie that she had no experience and she believes in conspiracies. The fickle voters voted for the career politician not knowing he is the bogeyman and against Kim's conspiracies which were the truth such as regionalism. In the end the voters will find out the hard way.

Why are we surprised by the proposed transgender restrooms and locker rooms? Obama is one of the most effective presidents ever. What he said he would do he has. I am not talking about the Obama the news portrayed but the Obama who attended debates held by such groups as the LGBT. Obama told the LGBT that he would do all he can for them and he is and that includes restrooms and locker rooms open to either sex

Don't shop where? I thought this email I received was interesting If a company wants YOUR Christmas dollars, but they're ashamed of Jesus Christ or ashamed of the Christmas holiday, and won't even mention the word Christmas for fear of offending somebody, THEY WON'T GET MY BUSINESS.
On that persons list of stores to avoid was Victoria's Secret. I never knew that store became the store for Christian Conservatives.


Saturday, December 06, 2014

When will Americans storm the gates of ALL government offices?

When do you think law abiding Americans will say enough and really storm the gates of ALL government offices? I am beyond frustrated with all the little things that are constantly being regulated or outlawed by our government.

Here are two frustrations I had recently.

I've had a nagging cough from congestion for about 3 weeks. I tried a few things but nothing really knocked it out. Well I remember as a child when we got sick and the kids cough medicine didn't work mom would pull out the yicky adult stuff. It struck terror in me but usually relieved my symptoms. I remember it being a clear medicine in a clear bottle with an orangish taste that burned a little when swallowed. I tried finding it at the store with no luck so I did an on-line search and found this:

Q. For years I used terpin hydrate as an expectorant when I had a cough. It worked.
It was sold over the counter and one small bottle would last me the entire cold and flu season.
I would like to buy some before flu season hits this year. Over-the-counter cough remedies on the market today are like water. I drink them and they do NOT work.
Can terpin hydrate still be purchased without a prescription? I?ve never found another cough syrup that works as well.
A. Terpin hydrate was a popular cough medicine from the late 1800s until the mid 1990s. Then the FDA banned it in on the grounds that it had not been proven effective.
As an expectorant, terpin hydrate was supposed to loosen mucus and relieve coughs. It was derived from natural sources such as oil of turpentine or compounds found in oregano, thyme and eucalyptus.
Terpin hydrate is not available in the U.S.

And from another site:

Terpin Hydrate cough syrup has been a favorite cough remedy for over 100 years, but due to legislation that made it no longer feasible to manufacture, the preparation is now available only from our compounding pharmacy.

Upon further investigating I found that DM, dextromethorphan, has been approved but is not that effective. 

 IF what I found on-line is true this sentence says a lot 
 ...terpin hydrate... was derived from natural sources such as oil of turpentine or compounds found in oregano, thyme and eucalyptus. 

Some chemical company had to pay someone off to get terpin hydrate yanked from store shelves.

Frustration two
My tenant called and said her laundry tub was leaking. I went over and found that the drain hose was torn. They probably shoved a screw driver or knife down it to unplug the drain. No problem I will just run over to the Home Depot down the street and buy the hose but not so.

I asked for help in finding the hose. The man replied we no longer carry it, maybe other stores do but we don't. So he gave me a straight PVC pipe with a fitting. I said I am not sure if the laundry tub sits directly over the drain, if it doesn't I will have to move the tub around or come back and buy elbows. I will try your competitor for the hose. He understood.

So off to Lowes I went. I asked for help and the man said well I do have what you need but I don't. He preceded to tell me they no longer sell laundry tub hoses because of government codes, they want you to run PVC pipe.

 I explained about the drain possibly not being aligned directly over the drain in the floor. He then set me up with 3 different fittings, a hose and hose clamps for over $12.00 instead of a pre-made $4.00 hose. And just think if my sink ever gets inspected it would not meet code.

I am baffled. This rubber hose has been on laundry tubs/slop sinks since probably the beginning of indoor plumbing. And I know in my basement I frequently have to unscrew the hose or wiggle it to unclog it. With a straight pipe that will be much more of a hassle.

If that wasn't bad enough the Lowes worker told me one more government story, all brass fittings got a lot more expensive because they can no longer contain ANY lead. He said the amount of lead in the fittings was so minuscule that no way would it get you sick. The lead was added to keep cost down. He showed me one fitting that was $5 it is now $8.

 Please think about this IF and I write IF Home Depot and Lowes is correct we should fear government on all levels. If a government is big enough to micro manage and outlaw a simple rubber hose it can outlaw or regulate anything including your lifestyle and beliefs.

  When will people storm the gates and say - ENOUGH!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big Government on all levels is wrong

We are always so worried about the Federal Government infringing on our rights but equally as bad or more so is our local government.

I attended the vendor meeting for the antique co-op Antiques and Uniques which is soon to open in the old Big Lots building in Wickliffe. The meeting hi-lighted the rules of what you can or can not sell. Some things are a no brainer such as explosives but one item not allowed had all of us stunned. Clothing of any sort new or used can not be sold. I raised my hand and asked what about vintage military jackets from WWII or the Korean War. Nope.

It was explained to be able to sell those items they would need to purchase a permit of $200 and get approval if I heard correctly, from a panel and neighboring stores. Crazy! One of the things people look for at places such as this is gently used clothing or vintage threads whether jackets, hats or even shoes.

Also I have to add... back in the early '90 Wickliffe had an indoor flea market where Gabriel Brothers is. You paid for you space and what ever you made that was for you to declare on your taxes. But now vendors will have a form to fill out. Either this is new or the difference is one was a flea market and this is a co-op unless it was on the books and never enforced.

All I know to me this is senseless intrusion on people who are trying to make extra dollars. Very few make anything substantial doing this. Many are retired and some do it just to make a little extra to help with living expenses.

I am forwarding this to Councilman at Large Matt Jaworski to help shed light on this.

Carey Masci

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Undervoting as a Choice

Undervoting as a Choice 
Are you like I and fed up with the choices at the ballot box which in reality is not a choice?  Do you feel too often that your vote is being wasted on having to choose between the lesser of two choices (highlighted it seems like in the 1994 Jim Carey – Jeff Daniels movie “Dumb and Dumber”)?  In other words, are you fed up with politics as usual?  If so, read on.

I have already warned some of you that if you are a conservative or what I and others now term “a constitutionalist,” remember this, as constitutionalists / conservatives, the Republicans are counting on your support and your vote this coming Tuesday.  This is why they will never pay any attention to you or all those TEA Party / Liberty Groups (among other limited-government, liberty-minded people) because in the final analysis almost all are going to vote (as "good responsible citizens" do) and thus vote Republican.  They would never vote for a Democrat and in most races currently across the state there are no other choices. The mainstream Republicans are counting on that from you.  Thereby, the voices of those who support “TEA Party Candidates" or other “conservative” views and candidates has been silenced.  The Republicans are counting upon the “fact” that you have no other choice.

Well, there is a choice.  It is termed the “Undervote.”  More and more attention is being paid to this phenomenon.  While I wish we in the Constitution Party had a full slate of candidates in every precinct in order to give constitutionalist / conservatives a positive vote choice, the fact is we do not; all we can offer at the moment is the next best thing and that is Undervoting.

What is “Undervoting?”  That is where a person goes to his local precinct and obtains a ballot but then does NOT vote for either candidate in certain races, or maybe only votes for one choice when two positions are open, and so on.  In some races around the country, Undervotes in last few elections have accounted for as much as one-third of the votes, thus politicians, political pundits, analysis groups, and reporters are beginning to pay more and more attention to the Undervotes.  As a matter of fact, some precinct workers are beginning to discuss adding a category to the ballot called “none of the above” to ensure that the Undervotes were intentional and not accidental.

A couple of considerations concerning Undervoting.  First it is important that you go vote and not stay home.  If you stay home, the people to whom you are trying to send a message don’t know you are any more than an apathetic potential voter.  However, IF one goes to the polls and pulls a ballot then the politicians have a better comprehension that you are willing and able to vote, you are just dissatisfied with “politics as usual.” 

Second, it is important that you cast at least one vote in one race as opposed to turning in a blank ballot.  Blank ballots are too easy to construe as non-responsive or mistaken ballots.  However, if you vote in at least one race, it is much more difficult for the precinct to discard your ballot as non-responsive.  Even voting “issues only” is a means to establish your presence as an active voter although I like voting for at least one person seeking political office. 

So, this year I encourage you to register your displeasure with the current political process of selecting candidates by going to your precinct, pulling a ballot, and voting for a limited number of candidates and any issues.

As many of you know, the Constitution Party (and the Green Party) has been fighting Senate Bill 193, passed last fall by the Ohio Legislature, primarily along Party lines.  It is currently under review by the Federal Courts.  If allowed to stand, it will effectively eliminate “minor” parties from gaining ballot access, thus it will be highly unlikely there will be any “third” party candidates on the ballot in the future.  As such, until the Ohio Constitution and Voting Laws are changed to allow fair, equal, and reasonable ballot access to all Parties and independents (a ballot initiative the Constitution Party is currently developing – hopefully for the 2016 elections), your only means of protesting politics-as-usual may well be by Undervoting.  

Don Shrader, Chairman
Constitution Party of Ohio
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dave Joyce sighting and more

Dave Joyce Sighting It was reported to me that Congressman Dave Joyce was seen at a grill in Concord sitting and dining with liberal Dennis Eckert. Draw your own conclusions.

I attended the City Club candidates debate for congress last week. On stage were incumbent Dave Joyce, candidates Dave Macko and Michael Wager.
I was disappointed as I did not think Macko brought his A game. He is a lot better than his display at the debate. When I mentioned this to someone his reply was it didn't matter if Dave did or not, these people are either D's or R's and won't vote for a third party.

All candidates said at least one thing I could agree with though I wouldn't vote for Wager or Joyce. Wager made some bleeding heart cry of illegals living in the shadows and something needs to be done. Hey - my relatives from Italy didn't live in the shadows, they went through the front door of America and were proud to be here. And then after the debate I confronted Wager about Obamacare, which he is for, and how it is hurting people. His reply was its the Republicans fault and if fully implemented you will love it then walked away. Yeah right, the blame game, its always the other party's fault.

Joyce didn't say to much that moved me and the moderator had to remind him more than once please answer my question. Yawn.

I have just about signed out of ALL newsletters. I do not need any more information on how bad the Democrats are or how evil the Republicans are. I think most of us could never attend another tea party, meet up or read anything political again and have enough information and knowledge to see what is going on and wrong in our country. You have to be blind spiritually not to. Same with almost all nationally known talk shows, very few I listen to. I read or listen to the headlines and figure it out myself if it is right or wrong.

My explanation A false religion is not based on forgiveness by a Saviour but by deeds, and many times those deeds are irrational and cause harm to those who don't abide and that is what we are witnessing with this Muslim scourge bent on unsettling anything peaceful just to propagate their religion.

Thought Could Ebola be the disease that gives Obamacare the boost it needs? Surprised I haven't seen the tie in yet on how we need a government health care system. It still may be coming.

Beware of the Huckster Huckabee.  Mike Huckabee has threatened to leave the GOP over the homosexual issue. Being a former Baptist minister why is this only a threat? He should of immediately said goodby. If he doesn't leave this will lead more people astray as people will think if a man of God stays with the party homosexuality must be OK. Then again he did endorse Mitt. Sadly I was a Huckabee delegate. Then again, lets wait and see if he does the right thing.

Same with the Carson show.
I will not run, maybe I will run Ben Carson.... I do know this if he does run under the Republican banner he will not win the nominee and when he loses this is what will happen... he will endorse the establishment pick and all his followers will follow in line, vote the pre-determined choice and say we came close... next time we will get our man in, as long as we beat the Democrat.

And the beat goes on...

Carey Masci

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Update on the Constitution Party of Lake County and the 14th district race

First an update on the Constitution Party. Currently in Lake County it is still a party of one – me, Carey Masci.

To be a recognized political party in the state of Ohio you need three positions filled, those positions are chairman, secretary and treasurer. I am doing all I can to promote this party. It is an easy sell as most people who have dropped out over disgust of the two party system would and want to vote for Constitution Party candidates - the problem is... people don't want to get involved to party build, they want a ready made party.

HOWEVER there is someone in Lake County who is fairly well known that heads a liberty group who is intrigued by the offer I made to him of stepping down and letting him take chairman and I would become vice chair. I have no problem with that as this is not about me but doing what is right for America. This person is currently involved with this coming election so we will talk further after November.

Some have asked and questioned if as Lake County Chairman of the Constitution Party would I endorse Dave Macko who is running as a Libertarian. The answer is no, as chairman it would violate the party rules. Besides there are some differences between the Constitution Party and Libertarians and if I would endorse Dave Macko I am in essence saying I agree with the Libertarian platform which I do not. BUT as an individual I believe Dave Macko is the best man running for congress in the 14 district.

Our other options are Wager who is a Democrat. I just do not agree with the Democratic Party on much of anything especially a candidate who is for Obamacare. Then there is incumbent 48% Dave Joyce, a LaTourette puppet, who ran a complete smear campaign against a good man Dave Lynch, a tea party favorite just to win a primary. Why do I say 48% Dave? Because in Conservative grading he scores only a 48% at best and other score cards have him at 45% or lower.


I feel as probably a lot of you do also that I am just treading water trying to educate people. As bad as things are voters are still clinging to the notion that voting for the lesser of two evils is the right thing to do. Using Joyce as an example, I have spoken to people who are not for Joyce, they don't agree with his record but they refuse to vote for a candidate even though he/she is closer to their thinking because they are either a long shot or have no chance of winning so they vote just so the opposition doesn't win. I ask and challenge this type of voter with this question... how can we build momentum to finally have a strong third party candidate or steer the nation back to the right if you keep voting for someone who does not stand for true American principals? We can't.

But does this mean that I am contradicting myself for voting for Dave Macko and voting for the lesser of evils as some have proposed? Not at all. I am in no way voting for the lesser of two evils, I am voting for someone that I have a few differences with. Overall I can not argue with someone who has preached the same message over and over again of downsizing the government, abortion is wrong, securing our borders is a must and repealing Obamacare plus he even utters the forbidden – IMPEACH OBAMA which not many dare say, not even Conservative Republicans.

Just think if all the voters who say a third party is needed actually voted for a candidate that didn't have a D or R by their name. We possibly could already have a third party candidate elected.

So be it, lets all rush to the polls to vote for someone we don't like, vote for the lesser of two evils and then immediately afterwards complain of who we have in office and the condition America is in. After all isn't that the American way? Or is that the two party way?

Carey Masci

Friday, October 10, 2014

update on Lake County Constitution Party and the lesser of evils in the 14th district

First an update on the Constitution Party. Currently in Lake County it is still a party of one – me, Carey Masci.

To be a recognized political party in the state of Ohio you need three positions filled, those positions are chairman, secretary and treasurer. I am doing all I can to promote this party. It is an easy sell as people would and want to vote for Constitution Party candidates - the problem is... people don't want to get involved to party build, they want a ready made party.

HOWEVER there is someone in Lake County who is fairly well known that heads a liberty group who is intrigued by the offer I made to him of stepping down and letting him take chairman and I would become vice chair. I have no problem with that as this is not about me but doing what is right for America. This person is currently involved with this coming election so we will talk further after November.

Some have asked and questioned if as Chairman of the Constitution Party would I endorse Dave Macko who is running as a Libertarian. The answer is no, as chairman it would violate the party rules. Besides there are some differences between the Constitution Party and Libertarians and if I would endorse Dave Macko I am in essence saying I agree with the Libertarian platform which I do not. BUT as an individual I believe Dave Macko is the best man running for congress in the 14 district.

Our other options are Wager who is a Democrat and sorry but I just do not agree with the Democrats on much of anything especially a Democrat who is for Obamacare. Then there is incumbent 48% Dave Joyce, a LaTourette puppet, who ran a complete smear campaign against a good man Dave Lynch, a tea party favorite just to win a primary. Why do I say 48% Dave? Because in Conservative grading he scores only a 48% at best and other score cards have him at 45% or lower. http://heritageactionscorecard.com/members

I feel as probably a lot of you do also that I am just treading water trying to educate people. As bad as things are voters are still clinging to the notion that voting for the lesser of two evils is the right thing to do. Using Joyce as an example, I have spoken to people who are not for Joyce, they don't agree with his record but they refuse to vote for a candidate even though he/she is closer to their thinking because they are either a long shot or have no chance of winning so they vote just so the opposition doesn't win. I ask and challenge this type of voter with this question... how can we build momentum to finally have a strong third party candidate or steer the nation back to the right if you keep voting for someone who does not stand for true American principals? We can't.

But does this mean that I am contradicting myself for voting for Dave Macko and voting for the lesser of evils as some have proposed? Not at all. I am in no way voting for the lesser of two evils, I am voting for someone that I have a few differences with. Overall I can not argue with someone who has preached the same message over and over again of downsizing the government, abortion is wrong, securing our borders is a must and repealing Obamacare plus he even utters the forbidden – IMPEACH OBAMA which not many dare say, not even Conservative Republicans.

Just think if all the voters who say a third party is needed actually voted for a candidate that didn't have a D or R by their name. We possibly could already have a third party candidate elected.

So be it, lets all rush to the polls to vote for someone we don't like, vote for the lesser of two evils and then immediately afterwards complain of who we have in office and the condition America is in. After all isn't that the American way? Or is it the two party way?

Carey Masci

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Only one deserves your vote in the 14th district

Friday, September 19, 2014

Jesus came to set the captives free

I attended the One World Festival in Cleveland. I had a terrific time. Yes some of the festival I did not agree with, the part of the warm and fuzzy that we are all one, we all have the same god, peace and love and all that is just to New Age-ish for me.

What I did enjoy was all the different ethnic food stands. The displays of the different countries and nationalities that make up America.

I have no problem what so ever with the hyphen as in Italian-American, Irish-American and so on. I also have no problem with people waving their homeland flag or the flag of their ancestors as long as they realize as my family did many years ago, this is America and to act American apart from their festivals. This is what made America great. Different heritages, nationalities all coming together to form a unified nation.

The most disturbing thing I saw at the festival were the black hooded Islamic women. Do they freak me, YES! It disturbs me beyond words to see women wrapped up in bondage while the men dress how ever they feel. Besides do we know what they could be concealing, do we even know who could be behind that mask or what they could be up to?

I am very vocal when ever I see a woman dressed like that. There is no room in America for such dress or behavior. Before you even try quoting the Constitution you need to read about the history of the creation of this nation and how Islam was viewed.

In the book "Essentials in American History" written by Albert Bushnell Hart, c. 1905 it lists the reason why people came to America. They came to freely practice their Christian faith, to have religious freedom. Churches were of such importance that they were supported by public taxes. Meetings were opened with prayer. And there was a concern that non-believers, pagans and Mahometans could infiltrate our government. They founders of this country and early settlers had high esteem for God and their faith.

Some of the founders wanted to go even further in their restrictions against Mahometans at that time.

So what is it I said to this group of hooded beings? I said as they walked by Jesus came to set the captives free. This is how the brief conversation went.

Jesus came to set the captives free.
Excuse me, what did you say? This was from a fairly safe distance.
You heard me I said JESUS CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE, you do not need to dress like that, this is America.
I am free.
No you're not.
My ancestors were slaves I am free.
I'll say it again Jesus came to set the captives free, you do not need to dress like that, this is America. .
With that they walked away.

I would of like to engage them further with this question. Who freed the slaves? White Christians, not Muslims, white Christians. But when you have little time and if you want to avoid an argument, keep it simple stay on point and repeat. And without knowing it, they have heard in short the Gospel.

The next person I argued with was a man in a booth with a wheel and sign that said the Golden Rule which is - One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.

On this wheel it showed many religions with Christianity being down towards the bottom. I asked why do you have Islam up there? He tried to say something about the golden rule. I said Sikhs are peaceful, Buddhists are and so are many others on this list but why Islam? Before he could answer I tore into him and said your Golden Rule is nothing but golden lies, why don't you go live where Muslims dominate, go to the Philippines where they bomb things trying to take over. Do you think they live by the Golden Rule? I just walked away in disgust.

My point is this people, wake up, speak up, or soon you will shut up because they have taken over. I have no fear how I say this. I am not ashamed anywhere to speak my mind. Islam is not a religion of peace, it does not treat their women with respect and it is not American or Godly and it definitely does not belong in this country.


Thursday, September 04, 2014

“Oh Republican Party you've done it again!”

Mr. Magoo speaking... “Oh Republican Party you've done it again!”

Last Thursday I helped man the Freedom Alliance booth organized by Kathleen Jagodnik at the Geauga County Fair. We had an unexpected visitor join us, State Representative Matt Lynch.

The reason? Matt Lynch's banner that read:
No Common Core
No Obamacare
NO Illegal Immigration
No Compromise
with Matt Lynchs logo above that showing a GOP elephant with a cross on its saddle circled by words Faith Family and Freedom was not allowed in the Geauga Republican Booth.

Rep. Lynch was so upset he joined us and hung his banner in the Freedom Alliance booth with a short note that read: 

This is the banner that was not allowed to be hung in the Geauga Republican Booth.

The Republican Party no longer has to pretend to be a party of the Christian Conservative Right. If the endorsement of the Gay Games by the Cuyahoga County Republican Party wasn't enough, this refusal to hang a sign that stands for what we believe in by the Geauga GOP is the icing on the cake. The GOP is now out in the open.

If they endorse homosexuality, won't openly embrace a hard-line stance with no compromise on common core, Obamacare and illegal immigration, we need to ask what does the GOP stand for?

Other than the excitement generated by Rep. Lynch I had a great time at the booth. Just about everyone who stopped was receptive and eager to learn.

When you are involved you think everyone has to know by now what our government is doing but that is not the case. I informed more than just a few on Agenda 21 and Common Core. People are fed up and just want their freedom back.

After my time slot was done I found the Geauga Republican booth. I wanted to see what was up with my old party. One volunteer I riled up a bit to the point she needed to do deep breathing exercises.

My conversation teetered on back and forth and going no where real fast. She refused to acknowledge that not allowing Lynch's banner in their tent was wrong. She also squabbled with me on the definition of what is a family. According to her she believes in family but her definition and mine might not be the same. She never did tell me what hers was. And she refused to admit US Rep. Dave Joyces 48% conservative rating was not worthy of her support. All she kept telling me is I support the Republican ticket over and over again with that I left.

Every time I turn around the Republican Party gives me a surprise. As Mr. Magoo might say - Oh Republican Party you've done it again!”

Lake County Chair Constitution Party of Ohio,
Carey Masci

You can learn more about Freedom Alliance at 

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Tax Dollars Being Flushed

 Hey Gang,
Your tax dollars are being flushed - literally.
Recently I stopped at a rest area on Rt. 86 in Chautauqua Lake New York.

Let me tell you... this has to be the most elaborate rest area I have ever been to. It's way over the top.

What's inside of this beautiful structure nicer than a lot of homes? A empty room where pay telephones use to be, a small room for vending machines, another small room with travel brochures and an information desk with more maps and brochures and an attendant to answer questions about tourism or routes. Oh and of course a men's and women's toilet with a family toilet squeezed between.

The outside is equally as nice. Its beautifully landscaped and cared for with a view of the lake that is awesome.  You could actually spend an afternoon here picnicking, its that nice.

I remember years ago most rest areas were sort of park like, a more natural setting, just a parking lot with trees to park under to get some zzzz's. For conveniences there was a hand pump for well water and pit toilets. Yes I do appreciate the more modern flush toilets but come on, are tax dollars really being wisely spent? Wouldn't a plain brick building with toilets get the job done as easily? After all what I am leaving behind is not a prized possession.

I think our taxes are being flushed away.

Gotta GoGo!!

ps: I need to add... it is scary that just about everywhere you go they are removing pay phones. Even the attendant here at the Chautauqua rest area agreed with me that removing them is dangerous. Suppose you have an emergency and you have no service or your cell phone fails with no one around? Now what?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Carey-cast for August 30th

Obama made this statement regarding Isis.
I am disheartened by these senseless acts. Americans can do better. Dropping large buckets of isis on your heads do nothing for no one. Give your money to me, the government and I will see it is spent on useful projects like wind-farms and promoting gay athletes. So please no more buckets of isis.

Welfare and food stamps have been promoted and doled out so generously that many Americans no longer know what Labor Day is.

Obama and EGore are still very concerned about climate change. Both have a vision where one day there is no lows or highs but all the seasons will be equal.

The people of Ferguson, Mo who destroyed the city now expect the government to rebuild it. The people do have a point, after all we destroyed Japan and then rebuilt it. We destroyed Iraq and then rebuilt it. We destroyed ....

I read an interesting fact posted in a limo office. It said in just 5 seconds reading a text message you drive the length of a football field. I think the Browns should try texting.

Browns receiver Josh Gordon was given a year suspension for substance abuse. Ravens running back was given a two game suspension for spousal abuse. The NFL has made it clear they are more concerned with how you treat your drugs then your woman.

That's all!
Carey Masci

Monday, August 25, 2014

Unstable Oil Prices

When this county was founded America was trying to get their new currency started and stabilized. Some from England were manipulating and gambling with the US dollar to undermine the country.  It almost worked as it put the young  country into a early financial bind.

What we are seeing today is the same thing with fuel, it is being manipulated.  This started under Bush where we saw WILD swings with fuel.  It is still going on under Obama.  The average person cannot hold onto their budget because they can't save or keep up with the market.  Oil not only runs our vehicles but is in so many products.

Speculators and globalists in BOTH parties are allowing this to destroy our economy and currency in increments.  That's why you see gas go down, the economy perks up, then it shoots back up, this slows the economy down, this is paving the way for a new global currency.  IF they destroyed the US economy all at once this would throw the whole planet into a depression 10 times greater then the 30's.

Even what Obama is pushing for now an increase in minimum wage to $10.15 per hour is part of this plan.  A lowly Whopper could cost $5 or more.  They are destroying the dollar. 

The world's commodities are based on US currency.  Soon the world will demand to dump the dollar as it is too weak and not stable and want a new global currency which means a one world bank, one world currency, one world rule.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Cuyahoga County Republicans welcome Gay Games to Cleveland

Cuyahoga County Republicans welcome Gay Games to Cleveland

“If we can expand the tent, we win elections. This is what this is about. Building a bigger, broader, more diverse Republican Party.” Chairman of the Cuyahoga County Republicans Rob Frost

Damn the platform, what is right and ignore how people voted in Ohio to protect marriage as long as Republicans beat Democrats everything else is fine. Lets see a show of hands, how many of you will still vote Republican? That's what I thought.


Check out Communist Goal Number 26 at this website!




In case you missed it the first time


While all this is going on post after post about Robin Williams death is being circulated.

Oh well at least my prayers for rain and storms came through.


I have been asked does the Constitution Party ban gays?

No party can actually ban any person from joining a party because in Ohio party affiliation is done in the primary. When you vote they ask which primary ballot do you want, this chooses your party.

Though the Constitution Party would stop any person with beliefs or behavior that is contrary or detrimental to the Constitution Party platform from holding office. 

The Constitution Party would also distance or denounce any group that uses the name Constitution Party in their association, club or any such organization that does not adhere to the platform and values of the Constitution Party unlike the Republicans who have allowed groups such as Log Cabin Republicans to use the name Republican without any concern for brand image or their platform.

The Party is Over

I write this not to gloat or in a manner of I told you so please do not read that into this.

When I made my line in the sand concerning Mitt Romney I was ridiculed and many distanced themselves from me. My thinking then was we need to reject this liberal east coaster to save the GOP. Let Obama win, hold the fort and get the next election.

Instead most Christian – Tea Party members – Conservative Republicans went and voted for Mitt. In fact such a large number Mitt almost beat Obama. What was the message sent by all those votes? We don't care about platform, we don't care about issues, we care about beating Obama and the Democrats. The message was heard by the Republican Party and now homosexuality has slowly but surely crept into the party.

I have said this for years... the communists could never undermine our religion head on but what they did was they latched on and exploited homosexuality to do just that. Freedom of speech could soon be gone as you will not be able to preach against this sin as it is a protected behavior. You will have no choice but to rent out your family bed and breakfast, make wedding cakes or what ever else they demand that goes against your faith and once religion and God is gone you have mans law - hence communism.

After what I just read there is no doubt that the Republican Party is now the new liberal party and the Democrats are leftists, thats how far things have shifted. The Constitution Party though stands alone and is the home of the Constitution and Christian beliefs and Republicans in refuge. Join before it is to late because the day is close at hand when third party choices are not allowed and then there is nothing you can do.

I was also scorned for humorously writing that the GOP stands for Gays On Parade. I received some interesting feedback on that one. But how off was I?
Well read below. It is a sad day in America.

 Republicans have now left the country, turn off the lights, the party's over.
Carey Masci

August 10, 2014
Cuyahoga County Republicans
Welcome the 2014 Gay Games to Cleveland

The Republican Party of Cuyahoga County today launched an outreach campaign at the 2014 Gay Games. The event is presented by the Cleveland Foundation and is hosted by the City of Cleveland from August 9 through August 16, 2014.
"Cuyahoga Republicans are thrilled to welcome the 20,000 to 30,000 LGBT athletes and fans of the 9th Gay Games to our great city," said Rob Frost, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County. "We believe in a Big Tent Republican Party, where our membership reflects the diversity of America. We realize many members of the LGBT community may not have experienced a welcoming Republican Party in the past, but Cuyahoga County Republicans are committed to engaging everyone on the principles of a smaller government based on personal responsibility."

The Cuyahoga County Republicans will host a booth in the Gay Games' Festival Village where local Republicans will personally welcome participants to Cleveland and talk to visitors about our new campaign to reach the LGBT community with the conservative message of limited government. County Republicans will also hand out free, 24-ounce water bottles to the visitors. The bright red bottles are made in the United States, and are 100% recyclable and BPA free. They are emblazoned with the word "Refreshing" underneath "The Republican Party of Cuyahoga County welcomes you to the Gay Games in Cleveland!"

Friday, August 08, 2014

Carey's Latest News

Gay Olympics Are Here in Cleveland WIPPEE & WHOOPEE
A few races are scheduled one is the Run for Your Life. Participants line up on the border of Cleveland and have to run a course through East Cleveland and back after that is drag racing.

There is at least one event change, the arm wrestling competition has been canceled due to limp wrist.

Breaking news in case you haven't heard..... a cease fire has been declared in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians need to gather more rocks and Israel had to run to Walmart for more bullets.

Latest breaking news.... both sides Israel and the Palestinians are now rearmed and ready to resume round 50.

License needed to sanitize?
Talk about a government that has lost touch with reality and that would be the US's. I opened a booth at the Painesville Antique Co Op. I brought in to sell an upholstered chair. The manager saw it and said you need to get that sanitized before you can place it here, for a chair that size it would be $25. He handed me a price list for the cost of spraying everything from stuffed toys to bedding.

I was only asking $25.00 for the chair so why even bother. Needless to say I was not happy at all. He asked how old is that chair? I said it has to go back to the early 60's. He said in that case it is exempt because anything 50 years or older doesn't need to be sprayed.

Think about this.... if I would have brought this chair in last year it would have been only 49 years old and would of needed to be sprayed but one year later it doesn't. If that isn't bad enough in order to disinfect items you need to get licensed to perform the service and it is quite expensive and needs to be renewed periodically. I watched the co op spray a couch and the sprayer used is no different that an average garden sprayer. The person applying it had on regular clothes, no special gear.

Now you know why all those red tags at second hand stores.

Another co op story.

People are so simple. I had a green glass liquor decanter with three glasses, originally there were four but one broke. I priced it accordingly but it sat for months. I thought about it and said to myself I will remove one glass and see what happens. The set sold within a week and I didn't even change the price. In my thinking - a nice decanter with two glasses and an extra one if one should break but in most people's minds its an odd set with one missing.

No wholesale
A friend owns a food trailer that he sets up at festivals and special events. He was looking for a new sausage provider. He went to a local butcher because he likes their product. The butcher told him I can not sell large quantities, only retail not wholesale because of regulations, I would have to comply with all sorts rules.

So the food vendor can't sell what he likes and the butcher can't expand his business unless at a heavy cost so he could comply to our governments rules.

No tellers
Fifth Third bank in Wickliffe has got rid of all their tellers, all they have now is ATM's.

Also underway is a push to go paperless and do your banking online. When I was offered that service I told my teller I won't do that I am protecting your job.

I understand that using online banking is a Godsend for the elderly and those who are homebound but if the computers are hacked where is your paper trail to prove your worth? Or is this exactly why they want us to go paperless to get rid of currency and use strictly debits which so many of us already use? Like John in Barberton said is this a way for them to make us all equal, one press of the button all your records are erased and everyone is worth the same, nothing.

Economic Rebound
The economy has picked up. For those in the Cleveland area it is not because LeBron is back. The reasons are the price of oil has fallen, there is gridlock in Washington with both sides fighting each other and also most of our elected criminals I mean politicians are on best behavior because it is election year. Sorry to sound so boo hiss but I see this as fools gold - I do hope I'm wrong.

Garbage Nonsense
I am so tired of the rules that keep changing concerning trash pick up that I have been pushing more things into the street that trash collectors refuse to pick up out of frustration.

For instance a painted dresser will be picked up but a can of paint won't. A large dresser will be picked up but a large branch or pieces of wood won't. So I figured a way around this. If I have a can of paint I no longer need I just open it and pour it on top of paper cardboard or whatever then wrap it up and toss it and the can away. If they say anything I will just say it is an art project gone wrong.

As for the wood it has to be a certain length but if I put the long pieces of wood in my yellow yard waste container they will get picked up. It doesn't matter how much is sticking out of the trash container they will pick it up. Maybe someone can explain this nonsense.

Next posting I will share the epiphany

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Jew in the Park

I was in North Chagrin Reservation last Sunday looking for a quiet place to grill my supper. I found an area but there was a sign posted at the entrance that said something similar to "Must reserve and have a permit to use", possibly there was even a fine listed. I decided on driving in anyway.

By the shelter was a man. I asked if he reserved it. He replied no. I then asked if he read the warning sign. When I told him what was written
he was a little perturbed. He said what do you mean you need a permit, I pay taxes, our taxes go to this park, how can they say we can't use it, I am staying. I said you know what - I agree with you, I am also staying.

The man had an accent. Anyone I meet with an accent I usually ask where they are from. You can learn so much of the world just by asking. He said I am Jewish, from Israel, been here 35 years.
I told him I have been keeping an eye on what is going on now in Israel. I asked his thoughts. He in turn asked how do you deal with people who hate us, why do they hates us, a hatred so strong they are willing to kill their own children.

He told me of a story of a Palestinian woman who's life was saved by a Jewish doctor. Upon her return visit to the clinic for a check up they found she had grenades strapped to her. She was going to bomb the clinic and the doctor that saved her. That is hatred.

And most people don't know this but many Israeli farmers hire Palestinians, they work hard, they get paid well and then they turn on the land owner and cut off their head. This also happens with other business owners who employ Palestinians. 

I said that's why I am against all aid and money going to any country over there. Egypt, Syria even Israel. If we back off Israel will take care of business. He corrected me and said the aid or any money Israel receives from America returns to America, its well spent, Israel has designed many military defense systems for the US, even the Iron Dome. I wasn't aware of the Iron Dome so researched it:

Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Dome (Hebrew: ×›ִּפַּת בַּרְ×–ֶל, kippat barzel) is a mobile all-weather air defense system[8] developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.[7] The system is des...

Preview by Yahoo


I told the man this is a biblical war, hence good vs. evil, read the bible for understanding and biblical history to find out who's land it really is. He was so close to understanding but in the end fell short in acceptance that this was a biblical war.

I gave him my card telling him to call me. We shook hands and I walked away very enlightened.

 Here is something to think about:
 How many
nations or countries have had their borders changed in the last 300 years? How many nations or countries have just disappeared off the map? Should all nations give land back that they took from other nations? What about America? Should everyone leave and give the land back to Native Americans?

If no, then this should apply to Israel also.
Israel has the land now. They have built it and made the lands fertile. Palestinians need to behave, get away from a religion that preaches death to unbelievers or face the consequences,  Until world leaders understand that Palestinian - Muslim hatred stems from a flawed and evil religion that says death to the infidel -  to all that do not believe like they do, innocent blood will be shed and even our way of life here in America will be undermined and unsure.