Monday, March 28, 2022

Bass Drum is OUT!

 Carey On Sports News Break....

Cleveland, Ohio.
John Adams, a dedicated fan of the Cleveland Indians has played his bass drum in the bleachers nearly every home game since 1973 to cheer on his beloved Tribe.
Since Cleveland has dropped the Indians' name in favor of the Guardians, John says he will still be in the stands but leaving the bass drum behind. So instead, he will plucking a juju harp in the bleachers to energize the team and fans.
This has been a Carey On Sports News Break...

Friday, March 25, 2022

Cleveland Baseball Name Change

 Carey On… OUTlandish humor…

Everyone is still complaining about the Cleveland Indians name change to the Guardians.
If they had to change it why not create a name, something different, think way OUTside the norm.
Since the dians part of Indians was kept why not call them the OUTdians instead of the INdians
I am serious.
People like to go OUT to see a game, we have an OUTside stadium, we have an OUTfield and we could change the name of the stadium to the OUThouse.
Carey Out....

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mayfield Being Tebow'd

 I hate listening to people who buy propaganda and repeat it or debating someone who only brings to a discussion talking points heard from some news outlet.

The majority of Browns and footballs fans are now doing a Tebow to Baker from what they heard.
The NFL ruined Tebow's career and is close to destroying Bakers.
Mayfield isn't good, has no arm strength, mediocre at best.
Saying Bakers doesn't have arm strength and repeating what the media says is foolish.
So what does this have to do with anything?
Sports is entertainment, a brief break from everyday living with no real importance.
But if you can't protect your mind and get simple sports right, what can you decipher is true?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Daylight Saving Time Bill

 Carey On… News Break

Senate unanimously approved a measure on March 15 to make daylight saving time permanent across the United States next year. The bipartisan bill, named the Sunshine Protection Act is supported by Slow Joe Biden.

Joe remarked I am all in favor of this; one more hour a day will give me more time to study the Teleprompters.

This has been a Carey On… News Break

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Propaganda repeats itself or is it history?

 Propaganda repeats itself, or is it history repeats itself, or maybe it's both?

The moment this conflict with Russia and Ukraine started, all the networks left and right started with the Putin is the bad guy, character assassination was in full play.
Then what followed was a maternity hospital was bombed, followed by a children's hospital shelled followed by a school was hit, (Would any army target these areas? Maybe I am naive, but I don't think so) then a mosque was struck. Forget about churches; Christianity doesn't have radical followers like Islam, who quickly get into a feverish pitch and retaliate for any offense towards their beliefs; let's rouse the masses!
Even with all this, something else was missing to get America and the world ready for war. Ah yes, a hostage. All crises need a hostage or two. So they have the perfect hostage, a black female athlete; this should make everyone angry enough to retaliate against Russia.
We have seen this type of reporting before, weapons of mass destruction, hospitals and schools bombed, hostages held by a brutal dictator.
I am not saying this isn't what is going on, but I am also not dumb enough to quickly fall in line to buy what is being promoted and broadcasted daily.
So then the real question is, is this history repeating itself, or is it propaganda being repeated, or maybe its both?

Carey On...

Monday, March 14, 2022

Its going to get interesting.

 I wrote this on April 24, 2017, you can find this full article if you search this blog.

...So not in the least bit has President Trump’s current actions regarding Syria have surprised me. President Trump said repeatedly during his campaign he was going after ISIS, so again no surprise. But the big question is do we really know what is going on in Syria? Does President Trump really feel he is doing the right thing or is he being manipulated by the new world order to further undermine and destabilize the Middle East to cause a major war? Is this why the media keeps on thrusting Russia at us to start that war?
It has quieted down somewhat because of all the current events but it infuriates me all this ridiculous talk of Russia interfering in our election. I believe it is just an evil ploy by the establishment to get Americans irritated with Putin. From what I understand Putin has thumbed his nose at the new world order. He wants no part of it. However he does want to stay relevant globally and to be recognized as such. So this is what I am concerned with.
The establishment new world order crowd will keep prodding and kicking the Bear with the Bear finally having enough to retaliate against America in some way. Could we be seeing this in Syria as the real reason for the air strikes to get America and Russia to go at it?...
That was in 2017. Today the world is at it again but this time the focal point is Russia and Ukraine.
So I still firmly believe there is far more to this story than Russia just going into Ukraine to annex more territory.
Something else I wrote quite a few years back when I asked who is the real evil? Everyone said China. I said nope, Saudi Arabia. Keep an eye on them, they have been very quiet and almost out of the spotlight but they still have two weapons - lots of money and OIL.
Its going to get interesting.
Carey On...

Friday, March 11, 2022


 I just got back from the Wickliffe BMV.

 Not sure if all BMV's look like a third-world socialist country government office but Wickliffe's sure does.

 Bland-colored walls, stained carpet, cheap mixed chairs lining the walls, orders being barked out by a computer with a number being announced first then a name, if no one answers or jumps up immediately, a person then yells a name and dictates where to stand at what window.

No one is smiling, and people dressed sloppy, hair uncombed, everyone with a dour look on their face not wanting to be there because of the needlessly high expense of having to reregister your car every year.

Socialism is wonderful. Quality of life suffers, and the price to suffer gets greater every day.

Carey On…