Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Propaganda repeats itself or is it history?

 Propaganda repeats itself, or is it history repeats itself, or maybe it's both?

The moment this conflict with Russia and Ukraine started, all the networks left and right started with the Putin is the bad guy, character assassination was in full play.
Then what followed was a maternity hospital was bombed, followed by a children's hospital shelled followed by a school was hit, (Would any army target these areas? Maybe I am naive, but I don't think so) then a mosque was struck. Forget about churches; Christianity doesn't have radical followers like Islam, who quickly get into a feverish pitch and retaliate for any offense towards their beliefs; let's rouse the masses!
Even with all this, something else was missing to get America and the world ready for war. Ah yes, a hostage. All crises need a hostage or two. So they have the perfect hostage, a black female athlete; this should make everyone angry enough to retaliate against Russia.
We have seen this type of reporting before, weapons of mass destruction, hospitals and schools bombed, hostages held by a brutal dictator.
I am not saying this isn't what is going on, but I am also not dumb enough to quickly fall in line to buy what is being promoted and broadcasted daily.
So then the real question is, is this history repeating itself, or is it propaganda being repeated, or maybe its both?

Carey On...

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