Monday, April 20, 2020

Dream April 19, 2020 Horse Buried the Camel

There was something else going on, a crowd maybe, something to set up the main focus of the dream. Whatever it was quickly dissipated.

Suddenly I quickly saw the outside of a off-white canvas like small square tent. Something I have seen at a fair or sort of like the ones at war reenactments. Then I was inside of the tent. The tent had a natural grass and dirt floor and nothing in it.

Toward the back of the tent was a camel and his hoofs were in a small square pit filled with sand. Almost like play sand. The camels expression was very sad.

In front of the camel nose to nose was a horse. Dark brown, muscular, little to no expression, without any natural features (lines, etc…) Though no expression it was stern looking.

The horse using his nose starting covering the camel with dirt, in the same manner a dog buries something.

The camel was looking even sadder and started tearing but remained still.

The horse then stopped and suddenly using his nose put the camel in a beige colored body bag and zippered it leaving the camels head out.

The camel was now looking even sadder and tearing more.

The horse resumed covering the camel with dirt until it was buried alive. He was buried even with the ground. The horse throughout remained emotionless and expressionless.

In the dream I was almost saddened by what I saw and the fact the camel was buried alive.

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