Friday, March 13, 2020

Reporting From Ground Zero at the Corona-virus Panic Zone Eastlake Walmart – Midnight Thursday

Yes it was pandemonium for the panic induced hysteria of the pandemic corona virus.
I went late night shopping as I usually do past midnight.

The parking lot scene was like the last minute frenzy of the day before Christmas. Lot was full, carts strewn everywhere, shoppers pulling in and out.

Upon entering I was greeted by a worker that I know and he said “ITS NUTS, THEY HAVE WIPED OUT TOILET PAPER AND PAPER TOWELS! Can you believe this? I asked, which of course he had no answer, “What is the tie in?” “I don’t know but they are going crazy”!

Entering the store the sight was strange. More than one person was wearing a hospital mask and rubber gloves, workers and customers.
Activity everywhere, shoppers in full motion with carts overflowing. A man was pushing and pulling carts and both were loaded to capacity.

Another person I know was stocking the vegetables. I said to him “Is the apocalypse upon us”? He laughed but agreed apocalypse was a good word for it and like the old movie. He said it’s been this way all day. As quick as they restock the shelves they are emptied.

Aisle after aisle empty boxes tossed aside with some items still remaining on the shelves. Pickles and candy and deserts were in abundance as was gluten free food but the freezer section was almost wiped clean with empty boxes left in place like everywhere else in the food side of the store.

Water? GONE, just one or two stray bottles could be found.
Milk? GONE!
Toilet paper? GONE, not one square left.
Ginger ale and many other brands of pop? Gone to just a few left.
Paper towels? I saw a Jewish man rapidly pushing his cart with a bounty of Bounty paper towels, the last in the store. He was not about to share.

Madness but people were polite. People were talking to each other and the word amongst the shoppers was - Is this real or just made up? How do we know so we had to stock up.

Self-check out lines, once again using Christmas as a benchmark, were that long if not longer or maybe a better way to describe it is like rush hour traffic.
I chose to use the manned register. How many minutes was I waiting? 20, 25? I lost track of time. The poor lady cashier asked if I could help her bag my stuff. She was hurting but no relief was in sight.

Is this real? No one knows. But at this pace how much longer will it be before food and essentials are rationed. And I do know this, there were more than 100 in the store, this definitely doesn’t pass the DeWine mandate on gatherings.

This has been a Carey On the spot report

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