Sunday, May 09, 2021

Happy Birthing Person Day

 Happy Birthing Person Day

Before I get into this topic, I am not voicing my opinion on anything, just trying to explain things to you – capeesh. 

How did we get to Birthing Person Day from Mother’s day?

Well, if you accept homosexuality, then there is progression.

Acceptance of homosexuality leads to acceptance of transvestite leads to acceptance of transgender leads to acceptance of pedophilia. 

Going back to transgender, if society accepts it as normal, then we accept men becoming women and women becoming men. 

So if a woman has had kids but has become a man, then it is offensive to be called a mother since she is no longer a female but a male, hence birthing person.

Do you get it?

So whatever you allow or accept doesn’t stop there, it progresses

Happy Birthing Person Day

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