Friday, May 28, 2021

So you believe in science


  Through this whole plandemic, scamdemic or pandemic my mind kept thinking of those who fell in line with the mantra of I believe in science

Well it was not too long ago that idiot, moron, imbecile was correct terminology to explain mental health but now that is considered wrong.

Science is fluid it changes, but we believe in it.

So what science do you believe in?

I have science and health books from the 1800’s if you followed that advice it would put you back to 1800’s

I have other books from the 1940’s even the ones from mid-60’s have things in it that would make you laugh. Or is what was being taught then is the truth and today we drifted from it? I don’t think so.

Science never arrives, it continually searches. If science did know everything it would cease to exist. We wouldn’t need science if that happened. Science only gets to more knowledge but never really knowing the whole truth. Science is away to circumvent your thinking away from God to look at government.

Is science important? Sure it is but it is not all knowing.

So you believe in science? Do you really think through this whole covid scare what you know today will be valid in 10 years, 5 years, what about next year?

Then I must ask, why do you believe in something temporal and not eternal?


Carey On…

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