Friday, August 20, 2021

Can we start being Americans again

 I should not have ventured into the shark infested democratic waters but I did.

I posted this on a local Wickliffe site which by the responses seems to be filled with the ungodly the government is my savior democratic thinking people
This is what I wrote:

Americans have lost their way. What happened to American independence? Fear! So many of you are giving up living over fear of death. Some news for you, you will still die whether from covid or other reason. Start living and quit fearing. Enough of this virus Communist propaganda!

Boy did the liberals lambaste me.
Here are some figures for on causes of death per year
Flu 646,000
Falls 684,000
Smoking 7 million
Drowning 236,000
Mosquito 1 million
And lets not forget the dangerous hippo, which some of you are getting as large as because you are scared to go out and live from fear of covid, 3,000 die from the hippo.
Now can we start being Americans again and trust God?
Carey On...

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