Friday, July 05, 2024

Do you really think you're free?

 So you just celebrated Independence Day.

Why? Do you really think you're free?

Income tax

Payroll tax

Property tax

Consumption tax

Hotel occupancy tax

Drink tax

Estate tax

Vehicle's registration renewal fee

Park entrance fees

Then there are the licenses needed for everything, including pet licenses.

Let's not forget permits are required for everything: Gutter downspout, Rain barrel, Signs, Fences, Sheds, Dumpster or temporary storage, Hot water tank, Remodels, Waterproofing, Deck, Roofing, Steps, Pools, Demo (of garage or dwelling), Concrete/Asphalt, Storm or Sewer Drain Repair, Windows or Siding.

It would take hours to research all the taxes and permits needed to live 100% legally within our communist government.

So, do you really think you're free? We like to think so on the 4th, but until we stand up to local city halls and say we declare our independence, to me, it's another day.

Carey On...


Anonymous said...

Some of us in Euclid are certainly trying

Carey K. Masci said...

I have decided to sell at least one of my houses. I have fought and fought. Sadly though there comes a time when you say enough.