Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This That and All Things Biden from the past week

 Carey On Breaking News....

Reporters asked Joe when the decision was made for him to step down.
Joe replied back, well I knew something was up when Jill didn't dress me this morning.
This has been a Carey On Breaking News...

Just to set the record straight Kama-ha-ha Harris is as much a African American as I am a Scandinavian American.
She ain't black - STOP the madness.
Carey On...

Could you imagine being at the breakfast table with the Bidens?
Slow Joe - Its not my fault I had to drop out and you aren't the president anymore. Don't blame me and be mad.
Jill - Oh yeah! Well who hired the assassin?
Never thought I would see the day a hired hit was part of a campaign strategy to win the presidency.
Carey On...

I will surely miss Uncle Groper, Slow Joe.
He is an endless supply of jokes.
Joe and Jill went to Capitol Hill
To fetch a billion dollars
Joe fell down like a drunken clown
And Jill completely unraveled
Carey On...

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