Friday, August 02, 2024

transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

 OK am I the only one who is OK with transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

Women want equal rights, women say they can do anything a man can, women have infiltrated the police force and military, you can't discriminate or deny a women a job.
There are government programs that will only give contracts to women owned businesses.
We are seeing how successful the DEI programs are working, right?
Communism preaches equality and forcing women into the workforce.
Well if you agree with the above and believe women are equal and can do a mans job, then shut up and get into the ring or whatever the arena is and play ball.
If not, get out of the way of men and let men be men and women become ladies again or let women stay in their lane and stop with the equality nonsense.
Carey On...

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