Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The old guard vs. the Populist movement

 Most people have a memory just a bit longer than the lifespan of a fruit fly and have no desire to learn about the past, so most are on a merry-go-round of making the same choices, like what is currently going on in politics.

The old guard is the Democrats run by insiders using manipulation and parading a new presidential candidate (Kamaha), who is being used for their agenda (usually keeping their employment and benefits - career politicians).

The populist uprising was not caused by Trump but by people waking up. Trump saw the timing and stepped in to be the leader of this movement. But will enough Americans have their eyes opened to see this to a complete restructuring?

Read this excerpt:

When was that written? 1915. By whom, Calvin Coolidge.

And in Massachusetts at that time, what parties were there? Democrat, Socialist, Progressive, and Republican. And like today, many wanted limited government, but the insiders teamed up to use manipulation to convince people they needed them to survive.

Has anything changed? Let's hope this time it has.

Carey On and GO TRUMP!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Donald Trump walks off bulletproof glass-protected stage to hug woman

 Donald Trump walks off bulletproof glass-protected stage to hug woman.

When I heard this, I thought about when I volunteered for President W. Bush's campaign in 2004.
I was a volunteer assigned to crowd control. I was close to the stage. Bush was speaking. A lady 12 feet or so behind me fainted. Everyone started shouting help. I went there to push people back so help could get to her.
What was happening was clearly visible to Bush. What did he do? He never blinked, he never used his mic to call for help, he did nothing but continue unwavering in his speech.
I remember thinking how robotic, how insensitive, how scripted he was. The lady was helped out of the crowd, and Bush, well, he kept talking as if he was oblivious to the situation. I lost respect for Bush.
And then we have Trump...
Carey On...

Friday, August 02, 2024

transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

 OK am I the only one who is OK with transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

Women want equal rights, women say they can do anything a man can, women have infiltrated the police force and military, you can't discriminate or deny a women a job.
There are government programs that will only give contracts to women owned businesses.
We are seeing how successful the DEI programs are working, right?
Communism preaches equality and forcing women into the workforce.
Well if you agree with the above and believe women are equal and can do a mans job, then shut up and get into the ring or whatever the arena is and play ball.
If not, get out of the way of men and let men be men and women become ladies again or let women stay in their lane and stop with the equality nonsense.
Carey On...