Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Biden's Precedent

 Biden as president set a precedent as president.

His rallies had few in attendance. He had limited and very structured interviews. His speeches were short and scripted. He read from notes during public events and took few if any, questions from reporters and those in attendance.

These actions are the precedence Biden set for VP Kamala Harris, which is why I am confused with Conservatives hounding her for not doing more interviews and debates against Trump and why I am surprised she is doing even one debate. Kamala doesn't need to; her campaign, like Biden's, is media-driven.

Trump, on the other hand, is doing things the traditional way, campaigning in person, doing as many events as possible, accepting any invitation and interview, reaching out to the people, and being himself. And his base loves it. Traditional, hard-working, Conservative Christian Americans embrace it and still support such campaigns.

So it will be interesting to see which style wins, Trump being traditional or the Democrat's way of relying heavily on media to alter and shape America's perception of their candidate.

If Americans do their research, Trump wins. If not, the people will take as gospel the media spin machines' propaganda and vote against their own good.
Carey On...

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