Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Unbiased opinion Trump vs Harris debate

 Unbiased opinion.

If I didn't know facts, Kamala did well.
However, her unpresidential like smirks and laughs and scolding of Trump took away from her performance. And she had a few moments when she repeated over n over the same words.
Trump on the other hand, didn't glance or look at his opponent, he was steady with his stare at the moderators and his voice demanded respect. His mannerisms even when he looked up and half smiled in his disapproval of what she said won the night.
However being very in tune to the times were are living in... under Biden/Harris the world is in flames, close to WWIII, inflation is rampant and our American culture is in decline.
I am not a blind Trump supporter but we do have his first term to look back on and it is far better than what we have leading us now. Kamala told too many lies.
To me the line of the night is from Trump... Biden doesn't like you.
I believe that is the correct quote.
Carey On...

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