Friday, October 04, 2024

Weather to destroy MAGA?

 Evil will go to any lengths to implement their agenda.

I have my own insight, know history and then I put things together from what others say or from their actions.
I heard some lefties allude that God was using this flooding to wipe out MAGA.

A close friend, Christopher Durham mentioned how they will use this to disrupt votes.

Putting these thoughts together is it possible this storm was further manipulated to do just that? Destroy Conservative strongholds and the Bible Belt.

Cloud seeding has been happening for years.
And then there is HAARP
Look at this link. And then you tell me was this storm modified to stymie the Right or MAGA.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Save the Pets or Save the Country

 I need to chime in on Trump's comments about eating cats in Springfield, Ohio.

 Cat and dog eating to us who have a different culture and embrace animals as pets find this appalling.

 However, to others, it is simply - food.

 I have blogged and joked about the Chinese eating and serving dogs. Yes, this happens, and you will never know if you have consumed meats other than chicken, pork, and beef. 

 You could have been served even rats. 

 A while back, a Chinese restaurant was seen gathering stray cats to use in their dishes.

 Koreans and some Filipinos are known to eat dogs. Some places eat rats that feed on grain.

 Furthermore, some of you have NO CLUE about what it's like to be starving. During the great depression, people told me they would shoot crows and sparrows in their yard to eat. 

In Barberton, Ohio, an ex-cop told someone shot the Canadian geese at Lake Ann with a bow and arrow and was going to eat it. The family had a Chinese restaurant that soon closed.

Trust me, if it's bad enough, you will resort to eating anything, including a corpse, if necessary. 

So, the roving gangs of illegals are in a fight to survive, and with the Haitians, it's much worse. They are a very pagan culture steeped in voodoo. They will think it's nothing to eat your pet or even consume you if you are not careful.

You don't think cannibalism still exists today; you are very naive. 

 But really, what is the main issue, dumping illegals into the heartland of America with no vetting and changing our culture for a political goal to destroy America to usher in the new world order. That's the issue: forget about eating cats and worry about losing your country.

Carey On...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Unbiased opinion Trump vs Harris debate

 Unbiased opinion.

If I didn't know facts, Kamala did well.
However, her unpresidential like smirks and laughs and scolding of Trump took away from her performance. And she had a few moments when she repeated over n over the same words.
Trump on the other hand, didn't glance or look at his opponent, he was steady with his stare at the moderators and his voice demanded respect. His mannerisms even when he looked up and half smiled in his disapproval of what she said won the night.
However being very in tune to the times were are living in... under Biden/Harris the world is in flames, close to WWIII, inflation is rampant and our American culture is in decline.
I am not a blind Trump supporter but we do have his first term to look back on and it is far better than what we have leading us now. Kamala told too many lies.
To me the line of the night is from Trump... Biden doesn't like you.
I believe that is the correct quote.
Carey On...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Biden's Precedent

 Biden as president set a precedent as president.

His rallies had few in attendance. He had limited and very structured interviews. His speeches were short and scripted. He read from notes during public events and took few if any, questions from reporters and those in attendance.

These actions are the precedence Biden set for VP Kamala Harris, which is why I am confused with Conservatives hounding her for not doing more interviews and debates against Trump and why I am surprised she is doing even one debate. Kamala doesn't need to; her campaign, like Biden's, is media-driven.

Trump, on the other hand, is doing things the traditional way, campaigning in person, doing as many events as possible, accepting any invitation and interview, reaching out to the people, and being himself. And his base loves it. Traditional, hard-working, Conservative Christian Americans embrace it and still support such campaigns.

So it will be interesting to see which style wins, Trump being traditional or the Democrat's way of relying heavily on media to alter and shape America's perception of their candidate.

If Americans do their research, Trump wins. If not, the people will take as gospel the media spin machines' propaganda and vote against their own good.
Carey On...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The old guard vs. the Populist movement

 Most people have a memory just a bit longer than the lifespan of a fruit fly and have no desire to learn about the past, so most are on a merry-go-round of making the same choices, like what is currently going on in politics.

The old guard is the Democrats run by insiders using manipulation and parading a new presidential candidate (Kamaha), who is being used for their agenda (usually keeping their employment and benefits - career politicians).

The populist uprising was not caused by Trump but by people waking up. Trump saw the timing and stepped in to be the leader of this movement. But will enough Americans have their eyes opened to see this to a complete restructuring?

Read this excerpt:

When was that written? 1915. By whom, Calvin Coolidge.

And in Massachusetts at that time, what parties were there? Democrat, Socialist, Progressive, and Republican. And like today, many wanted limited government, but the insiders teamed up to use manipulation to convince people they needed them to survive.

Has anything changed? Let's hope this time it has.

Carey On and GO TRUMP!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Donald Trump walks off bulletproof glass-protected stage to hug woman

 Donald Trump walks off bulletproof glass-protected stage to hug woman.

When I heard this, I thought about when I volunteered for President W. Bush's campaign in 2004.
I was a volunteer assigned to crowd control. I was close to the stage. Bush was speaking. A lady 12 feet or so behind me fainted. Everyone started shouting help. I went there to push people back so help could get to her.
What was happening was clearly visible to Bush. What did he do? He never blinked, he never used his mic to call for help, he did nothing but continue unwavering in his speech.
I remember thinking how robotic, how insensitive, how scripted he was. The lady was helped out of the crowd, and Bush, well, he kept talking as if he was oblivious to the situation. I lost respect for Bush.
And then we have Trump...
Carey On...

Friday, August 02, 2024

transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

 OK am I the only one who is OK with transgenders in the sport of their choosing?

Women want equal rights, women say they can do anything a man can, women have infiltrated the police force and military, you can't discriminate or deny a women a job.
There are government programs that will only give contracts to women owned businesses.
We are seeing how successful the DEI programs are working, right?
Communism preaches equality and forcing women into the workforce.
Well if you agree with the above and believe women are equal and can do a mans job, then shut up and get into the ring or whatever the arena is and play ball.
If not, get out of the way of men and let men be men and women become ladies again or let women stay in their lane and stop with the equality nonsense.
Carey On...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This That and All Things Biden from the past week

 Carey On Breaking News....

Reporters asked Joe when the decision was made for him to step down.
Joe replied back, well I knew something was up when Jill didn't dress me this morning.
This has been a Carey On Breaking News...

Just to set the record straight Kama-ha-ha Harris is as much a African American as I am a Scandinavian American.
She ain't black - STOP the madness.
Carey On...

Could you imagine being at the breakfast table with the Bidens?
Slow Joe - Its not my fault I had to drop out and you aren't the president anymore. Don't blame me and be mad.
Jill - Oh yeah! Well who hired the assassin?
Never thought I would see the day a hired hit was part of a campaign strategy to win the presidency.
Carey On...

I will surely miss Uncle Groper, Slow Joe.
He is an endless supply of jokes.
Joe and Jill went to Capitol Hill
To fetch a billion dollars
Joe fell down like a drunken clown
And Jill completely unraveled
Carey On...

Friday, July 05, 2024

Do you really think you're free?

 So you just celebrated Independence Day.

Why? Do you really think you're free?

Income tax

Payroll tax

Property tax

Consumption tax

Hotel occupancy tax

Drink tax

Estate tax

Vehicle's registration renewal fee

Park entrance fees

Then there are the licenses needed for everything, including pet licenses.

Let's not forget permits are required for everything: Gutter downspout, Rain barrel, Signs, Fences, Sheds, Dumpster or temporary storage, Hot water tank, Remodels, Waterproofing, Deck, Roofing, Steps, Pools, Demo (of garage or dwelling), Concrete/Asphalt, Storm or Sewer Drain Repair, Windows or Siding.

It would take hours to research all the taxes and permits needed to live 100% legally within our communist government.

So, do you really think you're free? We like to think so on the 4th, but until we stand up to local city halls and say we declare our independence, to me, it's another day.

Carey On...

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Run for Their Lives!

 On Sunday, June 9th, I participated in a march supporting Israel, a cause I truly believe in.

The march is called "Run for Their Lives!"

The event organizer was worried if three people would show up; the count was around 200 that showed.

Only two cars passed the march and yelled obscenities. The rest of the passersby were very supportive and blew horns or waved.

I didn't take many photos, unfortunately. Here are a few that I did. 

March on...

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

This is interesting - Dems made a mockery of America

 This is interesting.

By the Democrats pushing a conviction on Trump, he became a felon.
Unless there is more vote tampering, Trump will be the president again.
However, many countries will not allow a felon to enter.
So what the Dems did is undermine our country and ability to govern on the global stage;
unless those countries prohibiting felons rescind their laws or make an exception for President Trump.
Feel proud, you democrats, for making our country a mockery.
Carey On...

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day - the reason we honor this day

The horrors of war.
That's why we honor this day.
Evil men plot and the soldier is sent out.
Many died for unjust causes but their life should never be forgotten.
In honor of those who served and perished.

Carey On...

Friday, May 24, 2024

The demise of hockey

It's one sport I held onto and thought wasn't tainted, but has it gone the entertainment route, like the NFL, NBA, and MLB?
Too many teams make the playoffs.
The elimination series should only be 5 games
Constant ads for betting
Even with video reviews, so many questionable calls
Female announcers
And the token black on the commentator panel
If he was a player, gifted, fine, but every game now has one black.
The true American athlete is gone; they are now nothing more than athletic billboards for corporate greed.
And the American spectator bought into it. They feed on it just like they visit Walmart and McDonald's.
Carey On...

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Girl in the Diary

 Haunted tonight.

I went to the Maltz Museum yesterday.

It had an exhibit titled The Girl in the Diary,

It's about a diary that was found that was written by a 14-year-old Jewish girl in a ghetto during the Nazi occupation.  

Being a history buff, I have read countless books and watched countless films on the Holocaust and concentration camps, and each time I do, I am disturbed.

Here was a teen girl chronicling her hardships: shoes not fitting, clothes hanging loose on her because she had lost weight, hunger pains, cold, feeling ill, and not knowing what would happen to her and her loved ones.

Instead of thinking of her first boy crush, riding a bike, and doing girl things, she was crying out to God for help to survive.

And here we are today with the evil protest going on in Sanford and elsewhere in America chanting death to Israel. 

Even worse is some of you so-called Conservative Christians with your anti-Semitic rants supporting this behavior.

Best check yourself; you are treading on dangerous ground, setting yourself up for harsh judgment and the downfall of this nation. 

Carey On...

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Who is more undeserving

 Jimmy Haslam owner of the Cleveland Browns is petitioning for a new Stadium.

Today's question is:
Who is more undeserving
Joe Biden in the White House
or the Browns in a new billion dollar stadium?

Carey On...

Monday, March 25, 2024

Letitia James undermines our justice system

 Our founding documents, our Constitution, our way of life, our culture, and our society in America are mocked and under attack when people are elected because of their color, their gender, and the party they belong to.

This Judgment from New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, against Trump is precisely what is happening; it mocks and undermines our justice system in America. 

This ruling violates the 6th, 8th, and possibly the 7th Amendments and should be immediately tossed.

If not, you could kiss your freedoms goodbye - you could be next.

Sixth Amendment

Sixth Amendment Explained

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.


Eighth Amendment

Eighth Amendment Explained

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Carey On...

Saturday, March 16, 2024

It’s terrible what is going on in Haiti.

Empty stores, trash everywhere, random shootings, people getting shot, trucks running over people, businesses and houses getting robbed.

Oh wait – this is the local news reporting on Euclid and Cleveland.
Um, never mind.
Carey On…

St Clair
****7 people shot ----plus a female hit by a car and got a broken leg.
23 yr female
25 yr old female
Wickliffe is there
Cleveland squads are there
South euclid
Richmond hts called in
Victims are going to multiple hospitals
Prayers to all!!!
Checking for more victims that may have fallen down walking away.
Red Durango. There was a female shooter.
Other hospitals are calling in saying that victims are being brought in by cars.
Durango registered to 26 yr old male with warrant for armed & dangerous. And was seen on the flock at 408am.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Cleveland Browns Bold Move

 Carey On Senseless Sports Talk...

OK let me get this straight.
Browns let Baker Mayfield walk
Buccaneers cut Jameis Winston
Buccaneers sign Baker Mayfield
Browns sign Jameis Winston
Browns said Baker Mayfield throws interception
Buccaneers know Jameis Winston throws interception
So why have Flacco throw interceptions when you could have Winston throw interceptions?
It’s a black thing.

Just ask Andrew Black Berry
Carey On...

Saturday, March 09, 2024

2024 Mistake of the Union part 1

 OK - because of work, I taped the Mistake of the Union and watched only half of it.

My 90-year-old mother sat with me, and she chuckled and laughed throughout what we watched so far.

I had to tell her at one point shhh, I can't hear.

She was so amused by Biden's shouting, promising to do everything, but what she loved the most was House Speaker Mike Johnson shaking his head and his reactions.  

I myself found so many holes in everything that was yelled.

It's a travesty how these socialists brainwashed so many.

Promising to raise the minimum wage is just one item to pick on. The minimum wage will always be the minimum, even if it is raised to $50 per hour. Raising it makes everything else go sky-high.

If you want to make things affordable again, eliminate or lower the minimum wage and let the market dictate where it goes.

Taxes... sales tax and tariffs only, an income tax is nothing more than an illegal confiscation of one's earnings. I don't care who you are, middle income or billionaire. 

Part 2 tonight, if I can get Mom to not laugh so much, I may have a more in-depth review.

Carey On....

PS: I love MTG! Wish I could meet and campaign for her, she is great.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

2024 State of the Union Address

Who is excited for tonight's State of the Union Address?
To make it easier to watch I have a laugh track all synced up n ready to go.
Carey On...

Thursday, February 22, 2024

America Burns

 It saddens me to watch the lawsuits against President Trump.

If Trump was so bad and his business dealings so corrupt, why did they wait until he ran for public office to go after him?

Instead of all of America feeling proud that something we all have been saying for years, that we need a businessman to run this country, and got one, half the country is tearing him down.

Trump is the American dream for the world to see. Someone who succeeded in business, buildings bearing his name, rising from a successful business career, winning the presidency, not receiving pay, world peace, in essence, the American dream, our own are trying to destroy him all for political gain or because his vision goes against their warped view of what a liberal American utopia should be.

Blinded by their twisted moral bankruptcy, the Democratic Liberals sing Imagine as their mantra instead of our National Anthem while our country slowly burns.

Carey On...

Sunday, December 03, 2023

LAND OF THE FREE - not in Euclid, Ohio


Blacks get blamed all the time for Euclid's downfall; black crime is a problem but only a tiny part of the once great city of superior services real issue.
Socialism/ communist light is the reason for jobs fleeing and no money.
I took this photo of the two stands at the housing department window.
They are filled with permits; this is only a partial list of what is needed to live and breathe in Euclid.
Currently, they are making it extremely difficult for me to sell my house.
They interfere at every turn with you trying to do commerce with another individual or maintain your property as you see best.
Many give up and instead do nothing or flee the city.
In the meantime, let's blame Blacks, far easier than facing the real menace.
These aren't just laws to improve life. These are government-created jobs, and the people enforcing them aren't improving the city. They are protecting their job and trying to prove their worth by manhandling you.

Carey On...

Friday, November 03, 2023

What is archaic or offensive?

 Muslims are people who adhere to Islam.

Islam is a religion centered on the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad.

Mohammedan is a term for a follower of Muhammad, which was the proper term before Muslim and Islam became popular, but today, Mohammedan is considered either archaic or offensive.

A Christian is one who follows Christ. The word Christian was first used in Acts 11:25-26.

Here we are, how many years later, and we are still using the word Christian with no one calling it archaic or offensive? 

Think about that.

Carey On...

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Are sports fixed?

 Are sports fixed? I keep saying it and asking, can they be?

Last week's Browns game against the 49ers was set up and won by penalties.

And this week's game well, here is one headline: 

 Browns rally past Colts with Deshaun Watson sidelined after questionable late penalties set up go-ahead TD

I listened to it on the radio, and it sure sounded like blown calls against the Colts very late in the game.

Hey, we in Cleveland have complained loudly about the penalties not being called against the opposing team or against us that were bogus and cost us games, so are we now going to accept the bad calls going our way and cheer garbage wins?

I'm not cause something just ain't right.

Want to fix the fix? Have instant replays on important calls or in the last 4 minutes unless it is completely obvious, don't blow the whistle and let them play.

Or is it just NFL entertainment. 

Carey On...

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The new version of If a tree falls in

 The new version of

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
If Trump is not at a debate and no one is around to hear it, do they still make a sound?"

Carey On...

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 This is why I say LET THEM PLAY! 

Men and transgenders should be allowed to play in their chosen sport. 

So Leilani Armenta became first female football player at HBCU, and Haley Van Voorhis, a safety for Division III Shenandoah University, became the first woman to appear in an NCAA football game.

This is OK, but men in a women's league aren't?

Women can infiltrate and lower the standard of men's sports and cheered in doing so, but allowing men into women's sports, which should have the opposite effect, is frowned upon and banned! 

Hypocrites who think otherwise.

So, let them play or get the women out of men's sports.

What is fair is fair.

Carey On...

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Prayers going out for Nick Chubb

Prayers going out for Nick Chubb.

Being a silly sports fan I said many times kill him!
One time at a Penguins vs Blue Jackets game I yelled it and a lady Penguins fan said "Now that's not nice"!
I didn't feel like explaining to her - come on, I mean it in a sports sense, no way do I ever want to see someone severely injured.
When an injury like what happened to Chubb occurs you realize how fragile our health is, how quickly it can change and how these athletic entertainers put it all on the line.

I enjoyed seeing the Steelers beat the Browns but that injury really dampened the celebratory mood.

May God the great healer intervene and restore Chubbs health.

Carey On...