Thursday, February 22, 2024

America Burns

 It saddens me to watch the lawsuits against President Trump.

If Trump was so bad and his business dealings so corrupt, why did they wait until he ran for public office to go after him?

Instead of all of America feeling proud that something we all have been saying for years, that we need a businessman to run this country, and got one, half the country is tearing him down.

Trump is the American dream for the world to see. Someone who succeeded in business, buildings bearing his name, rising from a successful business career, winning the presidency, not receiving pay, world peace, in essence, the American dream, our own are trying to destroy him all for political gain or because his vision goes against their warped view of what a liberal American utopia should be.

Blinded by their twisted moral bankruptcy, the Democratic Liberals sing Imagine as their mantra instead of our National Anthem while our country slowly burns.

Carey On...