Friday, January 15, 2016

Another Carey Parody - Donald the Showman

Donald the Showman sung to the tune of Frosty the Snowman

Donald the Showman is a jolly pompous soul
With corn husk hair and a stinging tongue
With words that burn like coal

Donald the Showman is very fake they say
He is made out of dough
But the people know how he’s come to save the day

There must of been some panic in
That old establishment crowd
When they heard that awful news
That Donald could beat their man

Donald the Showman was as truthful as could be
But Republicans say he is nuts and daft
Just the same as Hillary

Trumpity Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump Look at Donald go
Trumpity Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump Gaining in all the polls

Donald the Showman knew the stakes were hot that day
So he said, I’ll run and save your rights before they’re taken away
Down to the village with a microphone in hand
Running here and there all around the square
Saying Jeb you’re not the man

He led them down the streets of town
Right to the Whitehouse lawn
And he only paused a brief moment
When the GOP hollered - STOP

Donald the Showman
Had beaten Hillary
Now the GOP with the Democrats just sat and cried
We'll be back again some day

Trumpity Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump Look at Donald go
Trumpity Trump Trump Trumpity Trump Trump Gaining in all the polls

Carey Masci


Anonymous said...

Trump--The only certain way to ruin this country. You have to truly be an idiot to support this racist bigot.

Carey K. Masci said...

I allowed the above comment to be published not because I agree with what he/she wrote but I like people to read what nonsense spineless people have to say. He/she has no substance, no factual reasons why not to support Trump and won't even post his/her name. Typical ignorant voter.

Michelle said...

Very good Carey, you fit the words in great. Made me laugh. :)
Have a great day.

Michelle said...

Very good Carey, you fit the words in great. Made me laugh. :)
Have a great day.

Carey K. Masci said...

Thank you Michelle for your comment

Rowe said...

That was great. Loved it.