Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey Gang,
I am in a creative and expressive mini-funk. I have so many articles and thoughts rambling in my brain but just can't get motivated. Some of you may be asking yourself what, you just sent a few? But with me I can usually write at least one lengthy article a day so to me its a writing funk.
I know I shouldn't feel like this as things with Euclid are in check, business has improved somewhat over last year, and the excitement of being at the Tea Party on Sunday with another coming up is still fresh. And yet just can't get started.
Maybe its overload with so much going on with our country, the high price of gas that will again hinder me from traveling this year and maybe also the arguing with my Democratic friends who refuse to educate themselves on what is happening here in America. It saddens me when I can't make inroads into their thinking. Hello people, I am going to keep saying it and saying it, over and over again, a warrant was put out and I got arrested for having a nephew stay in my empty rental in Euclid. If this isn't a warning sign to everyone then what is?
When I get like this I never know how long the blockage will last. Hopefully this short outburst will help me get over the hurdle. So until then read these fairly recent chats I had. I think you will find them informative.

This is a chat I had with a long time friend who is a VP for a small community bank. She is concerned about Obama's proposed financial reform. She wrote previously her thoughts of the bank bailout which is posted on my blog.

XXXX(2010-04-04 5:11:23:PM): it is difficult for me to judge as i sometimes feel like i live in a bubble, i am a divorcing mother of three with a really good job with really good health benefits. I personally have not been adversly affected by this administration thus far, however
Carey Masci (2010-04-04 5:11:34:PM): ok
XXXX (2010-04-04 5:11:55:PM): if the financial reform obama is pushing for is passed as it is written community banks will once again pay for the sins of the non-bank financial institutions who crippled this economy

I have computer friends over seas that I have been chatting with for years. Before this mess I was quite proud of America, I would send them things and encourage them to try and visit. But the last few years I have been quiet, I try to steer away from political talk and about the US for many reasons, the unemployment, everything made in China, the demise of the American car, the homo agenda, what happened to me in Euclid just to name a few. Here are a few lines from a chat with my Filipina friend. What led to this was her talking about the value of the US dollar.
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:20:17:AM): our president is a very evil person
xxxx (2010-03-21 6:20:42:AM): now they know who they voted
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:20:49:AM): i didnt i can not vote for an unGodly man
xxxx (2010-03-21 6:20:57:AM): i knew
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:21:04:AM): really you followed the election
xxxx(2010-03-21 6:21:23:AM): not really
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:21:24:AM): how did you know
xxxx(2010-03-21 6:21:44:AM): some said
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:21:50:AM): like who your preacher
xxxx (2010-03-21 6:22:11:AM): some school board member church elder
Carey Masci (2010-03-21 6:22:25:AM): i am embarrassed of my leader
xxxx (2010-03-21 6:22:35:AM): well sometimes people need to learn from their mistakes next time they should be careful whom to vote for

I hope she is right that people have learned from their mistakes.
For those who would like to read some of my past articles go to

You know..... I just realized how much I just wrote, maybe I am already over the hump!

Carey Masci

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