Friday, October 01, 2010

Seven Candidates - Young and Murphy

   I hear a lot of complaints about our leaders and elected officials. And I keep telling people NOT all are thieving liars. You need to attend the different functions, you need to meet the candidates face to face to find out. Here are a few that I endorse.

   It was hard to narrow it down of whom to endorse as I have met many fine qualified people. So this is my short list of seven candidates that I believe are honest, have integrity, still believe in America and that can make a difference. Most of these candidates have never held office before. I call this the year of the businessman/non-politician.

   3. Ron Young candidate State Rep. Eastern Lake County.
  There are as many reasons to vote for Ron Young as there are reasons not to vote for his opponent, current State Rep Mark Schneider. Plain and simple Mark Schneider is a Cuyahoga plant! How he ever was elected is beyond me. Prior to moving into Lake County and running for office he never even registered to vote. Plus there are rumblings going on that he may be implicated with the mess going on in Cuyahoga. We don't need this here in Lake.

About Ron Young.
Even though Ron held a seat as state rep he is a small business owner and has created jobs.

The Dems have tried to dishonestly paint Ron Young as a big government candidate. What a joke.

Ron Young was instrumental in getting me involved with local issues and politics. He held a rally back in about 2000 on the Painesville Court House steps protesting the proposal to charge a parking fee (admittance) to all Ohio parks. It is because of Ron Young and Senator Grendell we enjoy our parks here in Ohio freely.

Ron Young is very strong on property rights. He passed the“Young Amendment”, which was the largest permanent income tax reduction in Ohio history. And passed legislation that lowered the inheritance tax.

Ron Young previously was state representative of Eastern Lake County but was term limited out. We need to return Ron Young, especially now with so many of our freedoms being infringed upon.

4. Bob Murphy candidate Lake County Commissioner

Bob Murphy is part of the trend of candidates that are business owners and not career politicians. Bob has run a local business for 45 years. He has invested in his community.

Bob Murphy is running against current County Commissioner Dan Troy who has ties with Dimora and Russo. Enough said on that.

There are other differences Bob Murphy has with the long time incumbent Dan Troy.

Listing just three....
Bob is incensed over the million dollar dog motel (Lake County Dog Shelter) as he likes to call it. Bob Murphy is adamantly against regionalism, a socialist like plan for spreading the wealth and strongly against the Mexican Matricula. In simple terms the matricula is an ID card for illegals - how absurd!

Its important Bob Murphy gets elected as its a big step in making sure Cuyahoga County thinking stays out and Lake County remains Lake County.


   People tell me all the time but what can I do?
   Simple - Get Involved! With modern technology such as cell phones and the Internet its very easy to do so. Contact these candidates and ask for voter lists and make calls on their behalf, blast out emails in their support, post this message and others on different forums and blogs and donate.
  But the easiest thing you can do is simply tell a friend, vote for.....

  Even if you live in another state help us here in NE Ohio, we need it!
  We are at a serious crossroad my friends! Remember what Euclid did to me?
                                               Carey Masci

As John Kasich candidate for Ohio governor said at the Lake County Republican Convention in August 2009.
             "You have one more chance to get this right and that's it!"

           Get involved friends, please get involved before it's really to late!

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