Wednesday, April 16, 2014

posting more of my accumulated notes

OK Friends,
I am back posting more of my accumulated notes from the last few months.  I have been busy getting things ready for a trip to Memphis at the end of this month for the Constitution Party Convention.  The Constitution Party is growing and we now have 97 candidates on the ballots across the states.  Both Republican and Democratic parties are bent on pushing this country in a direction most of us oppose.   But can we build the Constitution Party enough in time to save this country is yet to be seen. 

  First a short shoe commentary.
 Recently a shoe was thrown at Hillary during a speech.  I remember when W. Bush had a shoe thrown at him.  That shoe was a sneaker as Bush was not expecting it.  But the shoe thrown at Hillary was definitely a – HUSH PUPPY!

Now onto my old notes:

  When this county was founded and America was trying to get their new currency started and stabilized some from England were gambling with it and manipulating our dollar.  It almost worked as it put the early country into a financial bind.

What we are seeing today is the same thing with fuel, it is being manipulated.  This started under Bush where we saw WILD swings with fuel.  It is still going on under Obama.  As you know people like me and you cannot hold onto our budget because we can't save or keep up with the market.  Oil not only runs our car but is in so many products.

The globalists in BOTH parties are doing this in increments to destroy our economy and currency.  That's why you see gas go down, the economy perks up, then it shoots back up, this slows the economy down, this is paving the way for a new global currency.  IF they destroyed the US economy all at once this would throw the whole planet into a depression 10 times greater then the 30's.

Even what Obama is pushing for now an increase in minimum wage to $10.15 per hour is part of this plan.  A lowly Whopper could cost $6 or more.  They are systematically destroying the dollar. 

The world's commodities are based on US currency.  Soon the world will demand to dump the dollar as it is too weak and not stable enough and will want a new global currency which means a one world bank, one world currency, one world rule.

Read the book the Web of Debt.  It is a hard read but has so much information in it about our currency and the world banks.

 That’s all for today.

Carey Masci

Next posting who are the real RINOS???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all know whats coming ... unfortunately the U.S. has to be out of the picture and Carey is sooo right !!