Funding for health care
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated in its study last week that the House health care bill would bring in $167 billion over 10 years in penalties from those who don't get coverage. fox news
Ahhh its the old tax and fine scheme. Tax the legitimate, fine those who can't afford it and give to those who either don't belong here or don't work.
Democrats on Wednesday, supporting $460 billion in Medicare cuts to help pay for landmarkhealth care legislation.
More shell game tactics if you ask me.
Some things to ponder.
I said some of this before.... This bill is suppose to help those who don't have health insurance. But if people can't afford health insurance, even if its reasonable, they will be fined for not getting it. I still don't understand the thinking here. Where do you want us to get the money??
Abortion will be covered under the plan. How do you feel that your money will be spent on getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy? And answer this: How is an abortion part of health care? Only in extremely rare cases today does the mother stand the chance of losing her life that the need to abort arises. So how is this health care?
This plan will cover anyone with a preexisting condition but you have to wait 6 months. OK two things here. One is in some cases you can't wait, waiting can cost your life. And two if its not life threatening and you can wait the six months many people will refuse to carry health insurance and pay the yearly fine which may be cheaper, then when they get sick quickly get coverage. This will bankrupt the insurance companies and raise cost even more.
Dumb NJ Doctor
I was listening to a NJ radio station. The topic health care. A doctor called in and was very against the Obama plan and said she tried her best to convince her fellow doctors not to vote for Obama. The host asked do you think the Democrats made a mistake by not rallying around Hillary to get her elected? The doctor said absolutely, Hillary and her plan would of been much better.
What a BUFFOON! I am so glad she is not my doctor. Where do you think most of these ideas came from? Mandatory? Fines? Coverage for everyone? Hillary! Do the research.
Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hillary Clinton each received six or seven-figure campaign contributions from the insurance industry. Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights
A question to my Democratic friends.
Dear Democratic friend, I didn't vote for this bunch of Socialists and because you did, do you have a $1,000.00+ to pay my fine and keep me out of jail for not buying healthcare? And wait, its coming, I can almost guarantee that in this bill if you don't get health insurance and don't pay the fine you won't be able to renew your drivers license. So if you can't pay my fine can you at least drive me around until I do?
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Flu - H1N1 and other interesting tidbits
Flu shot made where?
Did you know that one of the reasons there is a shortage of flu shots is because we don't make it? Most of our flu shot medicine comes from Canada. Canada is in a spot because while America is demanding more they need it for their citizens.
Common Flu vs. H1N1
Common flu deaths in an average year 36,000 H1N1 deaths so far 10,000
5% to 20% of the population gets the flu;
more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications; and
about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes. From CDC
The new estimates suggest that about 15% of the population -- one in six Americans -- has had the H1N1 swine flu. From Web MD
Yes I realize the flu season isn't over yet but you would think EGore (Al Gore) is behind this hysteria. Then again if he was the H1N1 might be called People Warming. Just be careful.
Common Sense Tips
Keep hands away from face, don't pick your nose, and be polite if someone wants to shake your hand and just say its the flu season just want to be cautious but it could be for your benefit also. And remember if you do get sick throw out your toothbrush the minute you start to feel better. No fear, just common sense.
On to other topics.
Will the real first black president stand up
Bill Clinton was labeled and called himself America's first black president. Now during a recent trip to Asia President Obama called himself "America's first Pacific President." You figure it out. I just want an American as my president.
So much corruption so little jail time
Cleveland Schools paid over $145,000.00 for printers they never received. Daniel Burns was the business manager for Superior Offset Supplies before coming to Cleveland as one of the top school officials is to blame. He could get up to 30 years.
BUT maybe, just maybe School Official Burns is innocent. Maybe the printers were hijacked and sent to the White House where President Obama is using them to print money for all his programs.
Whats another TRILLION?
President Obama is on a spending frenzy with no end in sight. He is making President Bush Jr. look like a tightwad and he hasn't even had a full year in office yet. America is broke folks. If China demands money on the debt we owe them there is only one way to pay it and that is land. Thats how we acquired Alaska from Russia and the Louisiana Purchase from France. Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that Hawaii, California or another state could fly the Chinese Flag. Good Ole Slick Willy signed Long Beach Naval base over to the Chinese back in the 90's so why not land? It could happen.
Don't Be Square This Christmas
Oh boy. I bought square Christmas cards at a dollar store. They are very well made. I didn't understand the cheap price until I got them home. Stamped on the back was Woolworth which dates them. For those of you who don't know Woolworth was a store that is now defunct. I still sent them out to my clients and a few friends anyway. I ran out of stamps for the second batch so went to the post office to mail them at the counter. The clerk told me it would be an additional 22 cents because the cards are square. Not over sized, just square! I asked what would happen to the others that I put in the mailbox? He said they will either be returned or arrive with postage due. I can just imagine my accounts having to either pay the 22 cents or go down to the post office to claim the card. Can you believe this, square cards cost more. Maybe I should of bought triangle just to make a point.
Thats a wrap you can get back to your other emails now.
Gotta GoGo!!
Did you know that one of the reasons there is a shortage of flu shots is because we don't make it? Most of our flu shot medicine comes from Canada. Canada is in a spot because while America is demanding more they need it for their citizens.
Common Flu vs. H1N1
Common flu deaths in an average year 36,000 H1N1 deaths so far 10,000
5% to 20% of the population gets the flu;
more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications; and
about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes. From CDC
The new estimates suggest that about 15% of the population -- one in six Americans -- has had the H1N1 swine flu. From Web MD
Yes I realize the flu season isn't over yet but you would think EGore (Al Gore) is behind this hysteria. Then again if he was the H1N1 might be called People Warming. Just be careful.
Common Sense Tips
Keep hands away from face, don't pick your nose, and be polite if someone wants to shake your hand and just say its the flu season just want to be cautious but it could be for your benefit also. And remember if you do get sick throw out your toothbrush the minute you start to feel better. No fear, just common sense.
On to other topics.
Will the real first black president stand up
Bill Clinton was labeled and called himself America's first black president. Now during a recent trip to Asia President Obama called himself "America's first Pacific President." You figure it out. I just want an American as my president.
So much corruption so little jail time
Cleveland Schools paid over $145,000.00 for printers they never received. Daniel Burns was the business manager for Superior Offset Supplies before coming to Cleveland as one of the top school officials is to blame. He could get up to 30 years.
BUT maybe, just maybe School Official Burns is innocent. Maybe the printers were hijacked and sent to the White House where President Obama is using them to print money for all his programs.
Whats another TRILLION?
President Obama is on a spending frenzy with no end in sight. He is making President Bush Jr. look like a tightwad and he hasn't even had a full year in office yet. America is broke folks. If China demands money on the debt we owe them there is only one way to pay it and that is land. Thats how we acquired Alaska from Russia and the Louisiana Purchase from France. Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that Hawaii, California or another state could fly the Chinese Flag. Good Ole Slick Willy signed Long Beach Naval base over to the Chinese back in the 90's so why not land? It could happen.
Don't Be Square This Christmas
Oh boy. I bought square Christmas cards at a dollar store. They are very well made. I didn't understand the cheap price until I got them home. Stamped on the back was Woolworth which dates them. For those of you who don't know Woolworth was a store that is now defunct. I still sent them out to my clients and a few friends anyway. I ran out of stamps for the second batch so went to the post office to mail them at the counter. The clerk told me it would be an additional 22 cents because the cards are square. Not over sized, just square! I asked what would happen to the others that I put in the mailbox? He said they will either be returned or arrive with postage due. I can just imagine my accounts having to either pay the 22 cents or go down to the post office to claim the card. Can you believe this, square cards cost more. Maybe I should of bought triangle just to make a point.
Thats a wrap you can get back to your other emails now.
Gotta GoGo!!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
I found this on Craigslist - IS THIS TRUE??
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War (The Republic)
// North America, War // Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Posted by Europe on Nov 28, 2009
Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain”.
And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted.
These reports further state that at the same time Obama will be attempting to keep his Nation from violent disintegration, the tens of thousands of additional troops he will send to Afghanistan are to be ordered to Kandahar where the Americans and their NATO allies will begin their final attempt to secure their TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipeline, which without the Western Nations, due to their grave lack of alternative energy resources, and being cut off from these vast Central Asian supplies (which both Russia and China are seeking to insure), are warned will totally collapse.
Making the American’s (and by extension the West’s) situation even worse are new reports coming from the International Energy Agency stating that “under pressure” from the US government they have been “deliberately underplaying” a looming Global oil shortage for fear of triggering panic buying and raising the Americans fear over the end of oil supremacy because it would threaten their power over access to our World’s last remaining oil resources.
To the scariest “end game” maneuvers being made by Obama, in his attempt to protect Americas Global hegemony, is his record shattering move in plunging the United States $3.5 Trillion further into debt, and which raises the total amount owed by the United States, to its citizens and the World, to the unprecedented height of over $106 Trillion.
So alarming has Obama’s actions become (especially since they are being imitated by all of the Western powers) that the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warned this past week that the “stimulus actions” of the West (which in essence is nothing more than the printing of money with nothing to back it up) has now become a “threat to democracy” as millions of people are expected to erupt in violence against their governments over the theft of their money and their futures.
Most unfortunately for the American people though is that this IMF warning fell on “deaf ears” in the United States with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, James Bullard, saying this week that the US would continue its “stimulus actions” because they “would give more flexibility to US policymakers”, a most absurd statement especially when viewed in the light of the unprecedented debt payments currently looming over the American economy they have no ability whatsoever to pay.
To the ability of the West’s banking giants to save their Nation’s economies, even worse news came this week with the US ratings giant Standards & Poors issuing a warning that “every single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P’s list of 45 Global lenders remain unsafe”, a warning which then lead to one of Europe’s largest banks, Société Générale, warning its clients to prepare for a “total Global Economic Collapse”.
To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later, especially in new poll figures showing that Obama’s approval rating among white Americans has now fallen to 39%. A number made more significant when one realizes that the white population of the United States comprises 74% of their estimated 398 million citizens, or put more ominously in these reports as “over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode”.
And so fearful has the white population of the United States become that upon the election of Obama to the Presidency he was named as the “Gun Salesman of the Year” by the Outdoor Wire, the US’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, who report “panic buying” of weapons and ammunition by those fearful of the destruction of their country at the hands of man they believe is not even an American citizen and had been foisted upon them by their elite classes seeking to enslave them.
Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not speculate upon, is if the citizen-soldiers of the United States will fire upon and kill their fellow countrymen during the coming conflict, but if history is to be our guide clearly shows this will be the case as the once great American Nation continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of history. May God have mercy upon all of them.
•Location: The Republic
// North America, War // Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Posted by Europe on Nov 28, 2009
Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain”.
And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted.
These reports further state that at the same time Obama will be attempting to keep his Nation from violent disintegration, the tens of thousands of additional troops he will send to Afghanistan are to be ordered to Kandahar where the Americans and their NATO allies will begin their final attempt to secure their TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipeline, which without the Western Nations, due to their grave lack of alternative energy resources, and being cut off from these vast Central Asian supplies (which both Russia and China are seeking to insure), are warned will totally collapse.
Making the American’s (and by extension the West’s) situation even worse are new reports coming from the International Energy Agency stating that “under pressure” from the US government they have been “deliberately underplaying” a looming Global oil shortage for fear of triggering panic buying and raising the Americans fear over the end of oil supremacy because it would threaten their power over access to our World’s last remaining oil resources.
To the scariest “end game” maneuvers being made by Obama, in his attempt to protect Americas Global hegemony, is his record shattering move in plunging the United States $3.5 Trillion further into debt, and which raises the total amount owed by the United States, to its citizens and the World, to the unprecedented height of over $106 Trillion.
So alarming has Obama’s actions become (especially since they are being imitated by all of the Western powers) that the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warned this past week that the “stimulus actions” of the West (which in essence is nothing more than the printing of money with nothing to back it up) has now become a “threat to democracy” as millions of people are expected to erupt in violence against their governments over the theft of their money and their futures.
Most unfortunately for the American people though is that this IMF warning fell on “deaf ears” in the United States with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, James Bullard, saying this week that the US would continue its “stimulus actions” because they “would give more flexibility to US policymakers”, a most absurd statement especially when viewed in the light of the unprecedented debt payments currently looming over the American economy they have no ability whatsoever to pay.
To the ability of the West’s banking giants to save their Nation’s economies, even worse news came this week with the US ratings giant Standards & Poors issuing a warning that “every single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P’s list of 45 Global lenders remain unsafe”, a warning which then lead to one of Europe’s largest banks, Société Générale, warning its clients to prepare for a “total Global Economic Collapse”.
To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later, especially in new poll figures showing that Obama’s approval rating among white Americans has now fallen to 39%. A number made more significant when one realizes that the white population of the United States comprises 74% of their estimated 398 million citizens, or put more ominously in these reports as “over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode”.
And so fearful has the white population of the United States become that upon the election of Obama to the Presidency he was named as the “Gun Salesman of the Year” by the Outdoor Wire, the US’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, who report “panic buying” of weapons and ammunition by those fearful of the destruction of their country at the hands of man they believe is not even an American citizen and had been foisted upon them by their elite classes seeking to enslave them.
Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not speculate upon, is if the citizen-soldiers of the United States will fire upon and kill their fellow countrymen during the coming conflict, but if history is to be our guide clearly shows this will be the case as the once great American Nation continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of history. May God have mercy upon all of them.
•Location: The Republic
I found this on Craigslist - IS THIS TRUE??
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War (The Republic)
// North America, War // Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Posted by Europe on Nov 28, 2009
Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain”.
And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted.
These reports further state that at the same time Obama will be attempting to keep his Nation from violent disintegration, the tens of thousands of additional troops he will send to Afghanistan are to be ordered to Kandahar where the Americans and their NATO allies will begin their final attempt to secure their TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipeline, which without the Western Nations, due to their grave lack of alternative energy resources, and being cut off from these vast Central Asian supplies (which both Russia and China are seeking to insure), are warned will totally collapse.
Making the American’s (and by extension the West’s) situation even worse are new reports coming from the International Energy Agency stating that “under pressure” from the US government they have been “deliberately underplaying” a looming Global oil shortage for fear of triggering panic buying and raising the Americans fear over the end of oil supremacy because it would threaten their power over access to our World’s last remaining oil resources.
To the scariest “end game” maneuvers being made by Obama, in his attempt to protect Americas Global hegemony, is his record shattering move in plunging the United States $3.5 Trillion further into debt, and which raises the total amount owed by the United States, to its citizens and the World, to the unprecedented height of over $106 Trillion.
So alarming has Obama’s actions become (especially since they are being imitated by all of the Western powers) that the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warned this past week that the “stimulus actions” of the West (which in essence is nothing more than the printing of money with nothing to back it up) has now become a “threat to democracy” as millions of people are expected to erupt in violence against their governments over the theft of their money and their futures.
Most unfortunately for the American people though is that this IMF warning fell on “deaf ears” in the United States with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, James Bullard, saying this week that the US would continue its “stimulus actions” because they “would give more flexibility to US policymakers”, a most absurd statement especially when viewed in the light of the unprecedented debt payments currently looming over the American economy they have no ability whatsoever to pay.
To the ability of the West’s banking giants to save their Nation’s economies, even worse news came this week with the US ratings giant Standards & Poors issuing a warning that “every single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P’s list of 45 Global lenders remain unsafe”, a warning which then lead to one of Europe’s largest banks, Société Générale, warning its clients to prepare for a “total Global Economic Collapse”.
To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later, especially in new poll figures showing that Obama’s approval rating among white Americans has now fallen to 39%. A number made more significant when one realizes that the white population of the United States comprises 74% of their estimated 398 million citizens, or put more ominously in these reports as “over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode”.
And so fearful has the white population of the United States become that upon the election of Obama to the Presidency he was named as the “Gun Salesman of the Year” by the Outdoor Wire, the US’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, who report “panic buying” of weapons and ammunition by those fearful of the destruction of their country at the hands of man they believe is not even an American citizen and had been foisted upon them by their elite classes seeking to enslave them.
Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not speculate upon, is if the citizen-soldiers of the United States will fire upon and kill their fellow countrymen during the coming conflict, but if history is to be our guide clearly shows this will be the case as the once great American Nation continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of history. May God have mercy upon all of them.
•Location: The Republic
// North America, War // Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War
Posted by Europe on Nov 28, 2009
Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain”.
And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted.
These reports further state that at the same time Obama will be attempting to keep his Nation from violent disintegration, the tens of thousands of additional troops he will send to Afghanistan are to be ordered to Kandahar where the Americans and their NATO allies will begin their final attempt to secure their TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipeline, which without the Western Nations, due to their grave lack of alternative energy resources, and being cut off from these vast Central Asian supplies (which both Russia and China are seeking to insure), are warned will totally collapse.
Making the American’s (and by extension the West’s) situation even worse are new reports coming from the International Energy Agency stating that “under pressure” from the US government they have been “deliberately underplaying” a looming Global oil shortage for fear of triggering panic buying and raising the Americans fear over the end of oil supremacy because it would threaten their power over access to our World’s last remaining oil resources.
To the scariest “end game” maneuvers being made by Obama, in his attempt to protect Americas Global hegemony, is his record shattering move in plunging the United States $3.5 Trillion further into debt, and which raises the total amount owed by the United States, to its citizens and the World, to the unprecedented height of over $106 Trillion.
So alarming has Obama’s actions become (especially since they are being imitated by all of the Western powers) that the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warned this past week that the “stimulus actions” of the West (which in essence is nothing more than the printing of money with nothing to back it up) has now become a “threat to democracy” as millions of people are expected to erupt in violence against their governments over the theft of their money and their futures.
Most unfortunately for the American people though is that this IMF warning fell on “deaf ears” in the United States with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, James Bullard, saying this week that the US would continue its “stimulus actions” because they “would give more flexibility to US policymakers”, a most absurd statement especially when viewed in the light of the unprecedented debt payments currently looming over the American economy they have no ability whatsoever to pay.
To the ability of the West’s banking giants to save their Nation’s economies, even worse news came this week with the US ratings giant Standards & Poors issuing a warning that “every single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P’s list of 45 Global lenders remain unsafe”, a warning which then lead to one of Europe’s largest banks, Société Générale, warning its clients to prepare for a “total Global Economic Collapse”.
To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later, especially in new poll figures showing that Obama’s approval rating among white Americans has now fallen to 39%. A number made more significant when one realizes that the white population of the United States comprises 74% of their estimated 398 million citizens, or put more ominously in these reports as “over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode”.
And so fearful has the white population of the United States become that upon the election of Obama to the Presidency he was named as the “Gun Salesman of the Year” by the Outdoor Wire, the US’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, who report “panic buying” of weapons and ammunition by those fearful of the destruction of their country at the hands of man they believe is not even an American citizen and had been foisted upon them by their elite classes seeking to enslave them.
Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not speculate upon, is if the citizen-soldiers of the United States will fire upon and kill their fellow countrymen during the coming conflict, but if history is to be our guide clearly shows this will be the case as the once great American Nation continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of history. May God have mercy upon all of them.
•Location: The Republic
Monday, December 07, 2009
A Careyism - photos of the dead mall, Euclid Square

Hey Gang,
I don't know what else to call it a Careyism, a coincidence but these things always always
happen to me. Maybe I should play the lottery.
Yesterday my niece Crystal sent me a You Tube clip titled Euclid Square Mall (the dead
mall). I sent it
to some of you. The clip is very eery. A mall that was so alive filled with
shoppers, so vibrant with trend setting shops, elegant fountains, mall shows and now is
mostly abandoned with the surrounding stores also boarded up.
Well Friday I was looking for an auction to attend to pick up some gifts for the holidays.
The auction I had in mind was Hamilton's of Ashtabula because they sell newer merchandise
from buyouts of stores. I did an online search and the first listing that came up for
Hamilton's was an auction being held right here in Euclid at, yes you guessed it,
Euclid Square Mall.
I brought along my camera in hopes that I could snap some photos. I am glad I did.
The mall is virtually shut down. Dillards outlet that once was Dillards and before that was
Higbees, an upscale department store exclusive to Cleveland till the
late 80's
('s) was one of two anchor stores for Euclid Square
Mall, is still in business along with eleven churches. Thats it besides the auction that
opened six months ago.
Such a strange feeling to be inside a place that I use to hang out as a teenager now
all desolate and quiet. Maybe the 11 churches can start a revival.
Gotta GoGo!
Cleveland Ohio,
Euclid Square Mall,
You Tube
Friday, December 04, 2009
Healthcare revisited
I am resending sections of my article of when I attended the Health Care Forum and also of my Canadian cousin's letter to me. Its important that I tie the two together. Health care and the internet are two businesses that are still profitable and successful and supplying excellent service. Soon this could change as our government wants to take control of both and it will leave us with inferior services and escalated costs.
Here are the paragraphs of importance concerning health care:
I was not at all pleased with the rhetoric or demeanor from Regional Representative Max. Instead of giving real answers he used the term straw argument a few times,*attacked profits as one of the reasons for spiraling health care costs, and blamed capitalism.
He went on to say it was **people like me who don’t carry health insurance and use the emergency room as primary care.
When I confronted R. Rep. Max afterwards I asked him again about the fine and or jail time, he replied no jail time but there would be some incentive to make you get it.
Points of importance from my Canadian cousin:
.... as well as the fact that our doctors are paid substantially less than doctors in the USA because of our universal healthcare plan, it has caused a *mass exodus of our best doctors....most leaving for greener pastures in the USA.
This has been very bad for us, **as many of us now have to go to clinics or hospital emergency rooms to be seen for whatever ails us....often sitting and waiting for several hours. It also means that at any given appointment, we never know which doctor will be treating us....there may be up to 6 or 7 GP's in a clinic each working different days and times so you never know who you are going to get. Not very comforting for patients.
added notes:
*No one will argue about the cost of health care but do you want to get into a bidding war for the lowest price when it concerns your life? Unless you are in health care and understand the cost of tuition, insurance, licenses and the stress and burnout it may seem extravagant. There has to be a reason why people of great wealth and importance come to the US for health care. Could it be because we do have the best system? If the government does interfere and control cost less will be encouraged to become doctors and our standards and quality will decrease. IF they really want to control cost then they have to look at tort reform.
**It's amazing that Regional Rep. Max Blachman tried to blame me and people like me for the high cost of health care and yet the Democratic/Obama plan will not ease the situation of people using the emergency room as primary care but the exact opposite will occur, sending MORE people there.
Something else I still don't understand and never will. This proposal is suppose to help those who can't afford health care and insurance. The Democratic/Obama plan calls for mandatory insurance with heavy fines if you don't carry it. There are many in that gray where they make to much for government help but not enough to afford health insurance. If someone can't afford insurance how are they going to pay the heavy fines? Does this make sense? How is this helping?
If you would like to voice your opinion to Regional Representative Max Blachman he can be reached at
Or you can contact Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown at 1-888-896-6446 or
If something is working and the government gets involved it will break it, and if it is broken already, the government will only make it worse. CKM
I am resending sections of my article of when I attended the Health Care Forum and also of my Canadian cousin's letter to me. Its important that I tie the two together. Health care and the internet are two businesses that are still profitable and successful and supplying excellent service. Soon this could change as our government wants to take control of both and it will leave us with inferior services and escalated costs.
Here are the paragraphs of importance concerning health care:
I was not at all pleased with the rhetoric or demeanor from Regional Representative Max. Instead of giving real answers he used the term straw argument a few times,*attacked profits as one of the reasons for spiraling health care costs, and blamed capitalism.
He went on to say it was **people like me who don’t carry health insurance and use the emergency room as primary care.
When I confronted R. Rep. Max afterwards I asked him again about the fine and or jail time, he replied no jail time but there would be some incentive to make you get it.
Points of importance from my Canadian cousin:
.... as well as the fact that our doctors are paid substantially less than doctors in the USA because of our universal healthcare plan, it has caused a *mass exodus of our best doctors....most leaving for greener pastures in the USA.
This has been very bad for us, **as many of us now have to go to clinics or hospital emergency rooms to be seen for whatever ails us....often sitting and waiting for several hours. It also means that at any given appointment, we never know which doctor will be treating us....there may be up to 6 or 7 GP's in a clinic each working different days and times so you never know who you are going to get. Not very comforting for patients.
added notes:
*No one will argue about the cost of health care but do you want to get into a bidding war for the lowest price when it concerns your life? Unless you are in health care and understand the cost of tuition, insurance, licenses and the stress and burnout it may seem extravagant. There has to be a reason why people of great wealth and importance come to the US for health care. Could it be because we do have the best system? If the government does interfere and control cost less will be encouraged to become doctors and our standards and quality will decrease. IF they really want to control cost then they have to look at tort reform.
**It's amazing that Regional Rep. Max Blachman tried to blame me and people like me for the high cost of health care and yet the Democratic/Obama plan will not ease the situation of people using the emergency room as primary care but the exact opposite will occur, sending MORE people there.
Something else I still don't understand and never will. This proposal is suppose to help those who can't afford health care and insurance. The Democratic/Obama plan calls for mandatory insurance with heavy fines if you don't carry it. There are many in that gray where they make to much for government help but not enough to afford health insurance. If someone can't afford insurance how are they going to pay the heavy fines? Does this make sense? How is this helping?
If you would like to voice your opinion to Regional Representative Max Blachman he can be reached at
Or you can contact Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown at 1-888-896-6446 or
If something is working and the government gets involved it will break it, and if it is broken already, the government will only make it worse. CKM
Monday, November 30, 2009
Taxing, banning, reusing or simply cutting down on their use — all are solutions up for debate as Vermont environmentalists search for the best solution, and the Legislature is poised to consider bag-tax measures in the upcoming session.
A bill before the House Ways and Means Committee would charge consumers 17 cents for each lightweight plastic bag they take home. State Rep. Johannah Leddy Donovan, D-Burlington, was the lead sponsor among 19 legislators on the bill, which was introduced last session.
“The 17-cent amount seemed significant enough to catch the attention of shoppers,” she said this month. “If we are going to change behavior, we must have a tax that is going to be meaningful.”
A tax that is meaningful? How about a stupid tax for every dumb idea our legislators come up with their tax rate goes up. That should discourage their communist thinking.
Taxing, banning, reusing or simply cutting down on their use — all are solutions up for debate as Vermont environmentalists search for the best solution, and the Legislature is poised to consider bag-tax measures in the upcoming session.
A bill before the House Ways and Means Committee would charge consumers 17 cents for each lightweight plastic bag they take home. State Rep. Johannah Leddy Donovan, D-Burlington, was the lead sponsor among 19 legislators on the bill, which was introduced last session.
“The 17-cent amount seemed significant enough to catch the attention of shoppers,” she said this month. “If we are going to change behavior, we must have a tax that is going to be meaningful.”
A tax that is meaningful? How about a stupid tax for every dumb idea our legislators come up with their tax rate goes up. That should discourage their communist thinking.
House Ways and Means Committee,
plastic bag tax,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
An observation from my friend Jimmy
At school we had a paraliturgy and we sang America the Beautiful and it reminded me of the lyrics "God mend thine every flaw" It reminded me of a certain man...Obama
I am proud to call this young man, 12 year old Jimmy, my friend.
Here are the words to America the Beautiful:
America The Beautiful
O, beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
O, beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress,
A thoroughfare for freedom beat,
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O, beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more that self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O, beautiful for patriot dream,
That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
At school we had a paraliturgy and we sang America the Beautiful and it reminded me of the lyrics "God mend thine every flaw" It reminded me of a certain man...Obama
I am proud to call this young man, 12 year old Jimmy, my friend.
Here are the words to America the Beautiful:
America The Beautiful
O, beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
O, beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress,
A thoroughfare for freedom beat,
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O, beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more that self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O, beautiful for patriot dream,
That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
Friday, November 20, 2009
prayer request, censorship and the liberal take over of another newspaper
I received the email below from Dawn Slike who feels that her article placed in the section Another Viewpoint in the Lake County News Herald led to the dismissal of Curt Olson the primary editor. Dawn I agree with you, I believe it is for that reason.
I won't and can't mention names but a part time writer for the News Herald told me of another writer leaving because the paper became to liberal and it was hard to do his job fairly.
I had an issue with the News Herald back in 2008 when they refused to publish my Letter to the Editor stating if they did they would have to give equal time to the other side. I always thought in those sections of the paper it was an open forum free from censorship. It would be different if they came and interviewed me maybe then they would have to give equal time. But if someone writes in freely with no coercion or pay and no one from the opposite sides does should a newspaper refuse to print their story?
And more recently concerning my battle with Euclid I most of sent at least 40 letters and emails combined with not one making it to print or the News Herald sending a reporter to investigate my story. Now I am beginning to understand what Curt was up against.
Please keep Curt in your prayers as Dawn requests and also our nation because more and more our freedom of speech is being eroded to nothing.
From Dawn Slike
Dear Friends and Allies,
On behalf of Curt Olson and his family, wife Lynette, two young children and an elderly family member residing with them, I am asking you all for prayers.
Mr. Olson has been fired from The News-Herald, on October 19. He had been in the paper's employ since 1996, and had in recent years served as the paper's editorial page primary editor.
This dismissal occurred exactly five days after the publication (Oct. 14) of my Another Viewpoint, which challenged Family Planning Association of NE Ohio to become a full time prenatal clinic and also exposed them as abortion-pushing "counselors" based on personal testimonies from their former clients. Two days after the publication of this commentary, FPANEO closed on Friday and Saturday, directing people to return for "services" on Monday. It is rare for FPANEO to close on normal business days.
I do not know if there is a connection between my commentary and Mr. Olson's release from the newspaper's staff. I do know I personally find it suspicious.
Mr. Olson will need employment to support his family, so we are calling for prayers that:
Suitable, sufficient God-honoring (truth respecting) employment comes to him
The family is well supported by their community in the interim
The family stays hopeful and prayerful while God moves forward in their lives
God bless you all. God bless every one of us.
- Dawn
If you wish to send a note of support to Mr. Olson, send me an email and I will forward it to him.
I won't and can't mention names but a part time writer for the News Herald told me of another writer leaving because the paper became to liberal and it was hard to do his job fairly.
I had an issue with the News Herald back in 2008 when they refused to publish my Letter to the Editor stating if they did they would have to give equal time to the other side. I always thought in those sections of the paper it was an open forum free from censorship. It would be different if they came and interviewed me maybe then they would have to give equal time. But if someone writes in freely with no coercion or pay and no one from the opposite sides does should a newspaper refuse to print their story?
And more recently concerning my battle with Euclid I most of sent at least 40 letters and emails combined with not one making it to print or the News Herald sending a reporter to investigate my story. Now I am beginning to understand what Curt was up against.
Please keep Curt in your prayers as Dawn requests and also our nation because more and more our freedom of speech is being eroded to nothing.
From Dawn Slike
Dear Friends and Allies,
On behalf of Curt Olson and his family, wife Lynette, two young children and an elderly family member residing with them, I am asking you all for prayers.
Mr. Olson has been fired from The News-Herald, on October 19. He had been in the paper's employ since 1996, and had in recent years served as the paper's editorial page primary editor.
This dismissal occurred exactly five days after the publication (Oct. 14) of my Another Viewpoint, which challenged Family Planning Association of NE Ohio to become a full time prenatal clinic and also exposed them as abortion-pushing "counselors" based on personal testimonies from their former clients. Two days after the publication of this commentary, FPANEO closed on Friday and Saturday, directing people to return for "services" on Monday. It is rare for FPANEO to close on normal business days.
I do not know if there is a connection between my commentary and Mr. Olson's release from the newspaper's staff. I do know I personally find it suspicious.
Mr. Olson will need employment to support his family, so we are calling for prayers that:
Suitable, sufficient God-honoring (truth respecting) employment comes to him
The family is well supported by their community in the interim
The family stays hopeful and prayerful while God moves forward in their lives
God bless you all. God bless every one of us.
- Dawn
If you wish to send a note of support to Mr. Olson, send me an email and I will forward it to him.
Another Viewpoint,
Lake County,
News Herald,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
chilling speech reversal, something you need to hear
Sorry the first one I sent had a bad link on the speech reversal site
Friends Let me set this clip up for you so you don't think this is hogwash, its about speech reversal. The first time I heard of it was on a Coast to Coast show. A lot of times when you play back someone's words in reverse one of two things could occur, it could confirm what was just said or contradict what was just said and speak the truth. This has happened many times. In this clip listen carefully to President Obama. Its quite chilling and I don't believe is doctored.
For more info on speech reversal go to this site:
There are many more like it, just do the research.
Be wary of this man. I have said it all along.
ps: Also listen to Rachel Madcow, she is incredibly ignorant and is laughing at things she has no clue about. Sad.
Friends Let me set this clip up for you so you don't think this is hogwash, its about speech reversal. The first time I heard of it was on a Coast to Coast show. A lot of times when you play back someone's words in reverse one of two things could occur, it could confirm what was just said or contradict what was just said and speak the truth. This has happened many times. In this clip listen carefully to President Obama. Its quite chilling and I don't believe is doctored.
For more info on speech reversal go to this site:
There are many more like it, just do the research.
Be wary of this man. I have said it all along.
ps: Also listen to Rachel Madcow, she is incredibly ignorant and is laughing at things she has no clue about. Sad.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Canada's health care
Here is an unedited email from my Canadian cousin born and raised there. I had contacted her to hear exactly her thoughts on socialized medicine. When I spoke out at the health care forum I was right on. Read it for yourself. And as usual, don't sit on this, forward it on to enlighten people.
Hi Carey,
As far as Canada's Universal Health Care System goes......for many years it worked very well. However, as time went by, people, unfortunately began to take advantage of the fact that health care and the medical visits were free. People were going into medical clinics for a paper cut on their finger.....or they would take an appointment just to have their blood pressure checked. Clearly, the doctors were at fault here as well because they would swipe the medicare card of these "patients" thereby charging the government a fee for their very unecessary visit. This, as well as the fact that our doctors are paid substantially less than doctors in the USA because of our universal healthcare plan has caused a mass exodus of our best doctors....most leaving for greener pastures in the USA.
This has been very bad for us, as many of us now have to go to clinics or hospital emergency rooms to be seen for whatever ails us....often sitting and waiting for several hours. It also means that at any given appointment, we never know which doctor will be treating us....there may be up to 6 or 7 GP's in a clinic each working different days and times so you never know who you are going to get. Not very comforting for patients.
The idea of Universal Health Care is a good one ....but with limits. Somewhere between Canada's and France's health care systems is the perfect plan. The USA is a great country and the government should be able to come up with a plan that takes care of it's citizens. Maybe a plan that is comiserate with a family's income level.
Whatever plan the USA decides on...I hope it will be a fair and equitable one for all your citizens.
Let me know your thoughts on this...I would love to see what you wrote.
Take care,
Here is an unedited email from my Canadian cousin born and raised there. I had contacted her to hear exactly her thoughts on socialized medicine. When I spoke out at the health care forum I was right on. Read it for yourself. And as usual, don't sit on this, forward it on to enlighten people.
Hi Carey,
As far as Canada's Universal Health Care System goes......for many years it worked very well. However, as time went by, people, unfortunately began to take advantage of the fact that health care and the medical visits were free. People were going into medical clinics for a paper cut on their finger.....or they would take an appointment just to have their blood pressure checked. Clearly, the doctors were at fault here as well because they would swipe the medicare card of these "patients" thereby charging the government a fee for their very unecessary visit. This, as well as the fact that our doctors are paid substantially less than doctors in the USA because of our universal healthcare plan has caused a mass exodus of our best doctors....most leaving for greener pastures in the USA.
This has been very bad for us, as many of us now have to go to clinics or hospital emergency rooms to be seen for whatever ails us....often sitting and waiting for several hours. It also means that at any given appointment, we never know which doctor will be treating us....there may be up to 6 or 7 GP's in a clinic each working different days and times so you never know who you are going to get. Not very comforting for patients.
The idea of Universal Health Care is a good one ....but with limits. Somewhere between Canada's and France's health care systems is the perfect plan. The USA is a great country and the government should be able to come up with a plan that takes care of it's citizens. Maybe a plan that is comiserate with a family's income level.
Whatever plan the USA decides on...I hope it will be a fair and equitable one for all your citizens.
Let me know your thoughts on this...I would love to see what you wrote.
Take care,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Meet the enemy!!
Meet the enemy!! I knew this way before President Barack Hussein Obama was elected. Unfortunately Pres. Bush Jr. started a lot of misinformation and allowing many Americans to be duped by saying Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is the end time religion, everything comes full circle in life In the beginning of the bible there was wars and conflicts with the Arabs and Israel, we are now heading there again. Christianity will be taking a back seat and very soon.
If you have doubts this may change your mind.
If you have doubts this may change your mind.
end times,
President Obama
Sunday, November 08, 2009
this past election..... personal attack on my character
This past election while some on the right were praising it, I myself was lamenting as I saw only a few sparkles of gold amongst a pan of rubble. Not good.
I don't even hold office but I was ruthlessly blasted by someone running for Euclid council. I even tried helping this candidates campaign and introduced my friend to him which he also spoke ill of. Politics as usual. But it doesn't have to be this way.
Whether you agree with me or not, I rarely or never needlessly attack a persons character. I always write about how things happen, use a persons own words, or write about issues. Even in my battle with Euclid I never spoke ill of the mayor it was about policies. For this candidate to attack my friend who is very knowledgeable and a very decent person is a shame. It shows a complete lack of substance when you resort to name calling, talking bad or making personal attacks on someone.
In the end though my friend and I were vindicated as this candidate lost badly and only garnered 200 votes. Hope he learns his lesson.
ps: A note to my friend,
DON'T GIVE UP! Think of the struggles I have been through in the last year and a half plus, I was even arrested. Get mad, get depressed, hide for a while BUT don't ever give up, thats what the enemy wants you to do. You are a very knowledgeable good person with a lot to offer. I am more than thankful our paths have crossed. Just don't give up!
It is not my job to point fingers or get into a he said and he said situation.From what I understand xxxxx did not say kind things about either you or I . This man is being lead down a wrong path. I do wish him the best ,but I wish that he would wise up and start to use his brain more for himself.I do know that If I run into him or his friend I shall straighten them out for the record. Now you can see why I am leaving politics for a bit.
See you soon my friend;
"Mrs M. i would like to let you know that XXXX XXXXXX of Euclid did not have many kind things to say about Carey or myself very recently . I heard this through a friend of mine. Now you can see how divided Euclid is politically. This is why I am taking a break from politics for a bit"
This past election while some on the right were praising it, I myself was lamenting as I saw only a few sparkles of gold amongst a pan of rubble. Not good.
I don't even hold office but I was ruthlessly blasted by someone running for Euclid council. I even tried helping this candidates campaign and introduced my friend to him which he also spoke ill of. Politics as usual. But it doesn't have to be this way.
Whether you agree with me or not, I rarely or never needlessly attack a persons character. I always write about how things happen, use a persons own words, or write about issues. Even in my battle with Euclid I never spoke ill of the mayor it was about policies. For this candidate to attack my friend who is very knowledgeable and a very decent person is a shame. It shows a complete lack of substance when you resort to name calling, talking bad or making personal attacks on someone.
In the end though my friend and I were vindicated as this candidate lost badly and only garnered 200 votes. Hope he learns his lesson.
ps: A note to my friend,
DON'T GIVE UP! Think of the struggles I have been through in the last year and a half plus, I was even arrested. Get mad, get depressed, hide for a while BUT don't ever give up, thats what the enemy wants you to do. You are a very knowledgeable good person with a lot to offer. I am more than thankful our paths have crossed. Just don't give up!
It is not my job to point fingers or get into a he said and he said situation.From what I understand xxxxx did not say kind things about either you or I . This man is being lead down a wrong path. I do wish him the best ,but I wish that he would wise up and start to use his brain more for himself.I do know that If I run into him or his friend I shall straighten them out for the record. Now you can see why I am leaving politics for a bit.
See you soon my friend;
"Mrs M. i would like to let you know that XXXX XXXXXX of Euclid did not have many kind things to say about Carey or myself very recently . I heard this through a friend of mine. Now you can see how divided Euclid is politically. This is why I am taking a break from politics for a bit"
Careys election review - Gambling
It seems the gambling initiative has passed and Ohio will amend its constitution. How sad to amend any constitution for something like gambling. I have been adamantly opposed to it.
Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct.....The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Joseph Goebbels Hitlers propaganda minister.
The above statement was very evident while listening to the election returns on 1100 am. I believe the host was Andre Knott, forgive me if I am wrong. He was talking with a guest about issue 3, casino's in Ohio. Andre voted for it and his guest mentioned some of the benefits like the 35,000 jobs it would create. Both chuckled, well we will see if that happens, they will say anything to get it passed. Then they aired the speech from Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cavs, a member of his staff and Mayor Frank Jackson. Mayor Frank Jackson said its not a panacea. So now the truth comes out, 35,000 jobs, maybe, panacea, nope!
The statement that really caught my attention was made by one of Gilbert's staff when he irreverently said And the best thing with it passing, thank God no more Truth Pack ads.
I hope Gilbert's casino goes bankrupt like the one in Detroit.
Maybe some of you don't know this but Dan Gilbert owner of the Cavs was arrested in 1981 for bookmaking. How he was allowed to buy a sports franchise is beyond me. And now he will own a casino. Still think sports aren't fixed?
Now getting back to the propaganda. Its amazing how parrot like people are. Some of the reasons I heard from those who were against gambling in the past but voted for it now were, people are spending their money in other states lets keep it here and it will create jobs, exactly what the ads said. I was always told two wrongs don't make a right and how many more barely above minimum wage jobs do we need and you also have to figure in the jobs that would be lost. How much will the actual gain be?
Another reason I heard, there is already gambling and corruption so whats the big deal? Because there is corruption you want more instead fixing the problems we have? And ask the people who live by casinos if crime went up or down, that's the big deal.
This was the fifth time they tried to get casinos in Ohio. There should be a limit how many times an issue can be placed on the ballot. I feel the same thing will happen with same sex marriage. People get so tired of keeping up the fight, others start buying the lies that eventually an issue gets passed no matter how bad.
The corrupt get richer and your vote helped them do it.
Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct.....The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Joseph Goebbels Hitlers propaganda minister.
The above statement was very evident while listening to the election returns on 1100 am. I believe the host was Andre Knott, forgive me if I am wrong. He was talking with a guest about issue 3, casino's in Ohio. Andre voted for it and his guest mentioned some of the benefits like the 35,000 jobs it would create. Both chuckled, well we will see if that happens, they will say anything to get it passed. Then they aired the speech from Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cavs, a member of his staff and Mayor Frank Jackson. Mayor Frank Jackson said its not a panacea. So now the truth comes out, 35,000 jobs, maybe, panacea, nope!
The statement that really caught my attention was made by one of Gilbert's staff when he irreverently said And the best thing with it passing, thank God no more Truth Pack ads.
I hope Gilbert's casino goes bankrupt like the one in Detroit.
Maybe some of you don't know this but Dan Gilbert owner of the Cavs was arrested in 1981 for bookmaking. How he was allowed to buy a sports franchise is beyond me. And now he will own a casino. Still think sports aren't fixed?
Now getting back to the propaganda. Its amazing how parrot like people are. Some of the reasons I heard from those who were against gambling in the past but voted for it now were, people are spending their money in other states lets keep it here and it will create jobs, exactly what the ads said. I was always told two wrongs don't make a right and how many more barely above minimum wage jobs do we need and you also have to figure in the jobs that would be lost. How much will the actual gain be?
Another reason I heard, there is already gambling and corruption so whats the big deal? Because there is corruption you want more instead fixing the problems we have? And ask the people who live by casinos if crime went up or down, that's the big deal.
This was the fifth time they tried to get casinos in Ohio. There should be a limit how many times an issue can be placed on the ballot. I feel the same thing will happen with same sex marriage. People get so tired of keeping up the fight, others start buying the lies that eventually an issue gets passed no matter how bad.
The corrupt get richer and your vote helped them do it.
health care forum, my report
I attended the health-care forum Thursday night, October 29, in Painesville, Ohio. First before I give you my take, I would like to thank Councilman Flock for organizing this engaging and informative event on a very important issue facing America. He cordially welcomed everyone and ran the event well.
Senator Sherrod Brown who was suppose to host this town hall meeting did not attend but instead sent Regional Representative Max Blachman to field questions.
Even though I said it was engaging and informative I did not learn much about the health-care plan from Representative Max himself. Instead I learned more listening to the questions from the rather small crowd of only about 35 who attended, almost all were in opposition. It was pointed out to me various reasons for the small attendance. One was lack of promoting the event and the other reason was the area it was held has a lot of welfare and those people don’t care. Something else I heard at the event was they were going to have heightened security because of the opposition to the plan and Conservatives who may show. Really not sure how true any of this is.
I was not at all pleased with the rhetoric or demeanor from R. Rep. Max. Instead of giving real answers he used the term straw argument a few times, attacked profits as one of the reasons for spiraling health care costs, and blamed capitalism. He fast talked over my question and also blamed me as one of the reasons why the costs are out of control and the need for mandatory insurance
My questions were – I am self-employed, barely making it right now, very healthy, I choose not to have health insurance. BUT even if I did want it I can’t afford it and any more government involvement whether taxes or mandatory programs. If I choose not to carry health insurance will I be fined or jailed?
Max said no one will be sent to jail, I never heard that but a possible fine may be included. Well according to one proposal it would include a fine of up to $1,000.00 and up to six months in jail. He went on to say it was people like me who don’t carry health insurance and use the emergency room as primary care. I guess he was alluding to people not paying for the care they received. I was not at all happy when someone else used me as an example for one of the reasons for needing a plan. I confronted Max afterward to set things straight but he didn’t want any explanation.
The thing that upsets me the most is the term they keep using, health care crisis. There is no health care crisis. You can still be treated in a hospital if needed. Max repeatedly used this term. The loudest jeers and boos came when R. Rep. Max blamed capitalism. I don’t remember the exact question but blaming capitalism seems to me that he has socialist leanings and this is a socialist plan. Is capitalism perfect no but it has given us the highest standard of living and is still far better than socialism. He also attacked profits as if they are evil.
I was quite vocal when R. Rep. Max said the figure of 42 million for people who don’t have any health insurance. I spoke out of turn and asked loudly what is the real number, President Obama said 42 million then dropped it to 36 million and I have heard numbers as high as 47 million? Does this number include illegal aliens? R. Rep. Max responded those illegals are a straw argument; there is only 6 million in this country. 6 million people receiving care from your money is not a straw argument. That’s where you need to start, who is covered in this plan?
Questions were raised whether abortion would be covered and if you can keep you existing coverage. To be honest with you, I don’t remember the answers to those. By this time I was turned off by Max’s answer to the illegal alien question and him turning the tables on me as if I was the problem. As I said I learned more from the questions asked rather than the answers given of this enormous bill that I am pretty sure even R. Rep. Max hasn’t completely read because most of what was asked was answered with, no the plan doesn’t have that.
Side notes:
*It’s amazing how you can have two opposing views to an issue. A person spoke up and said they know people who go to Canada for medicine and universal healthcare is working for Canada. To that I shouted I have family living in Canada and she is not at all happy with their system. Someone else gave me the thumbs up and said I agree with you, I also have family living up there and they are not happy.
**When I confronted R. Rep. Max afterwards I asked him again about the fine and or jail time, he replied no jail time but there would be some incentive to make you get it.
***I also tried to set him and said I own three houses, have paid property and income tax, he cut me off and said property tax doesn’t pay for health care. The point I was trying to make is, I am a citizen born here and have paid taxes for years, if someone should be covered or use the emergency room then it should be someone as myself not an illegal.
**** A veteran brought to my attention that there was no pledge of allegiance and no recognition of the vets serving.
******This is the email I received informing me of this event:
On Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Posted in the Northeast Ohio News-Herald on page A3 was written in a SMALL area, about the size of a United States postage stamp…..Our Representative Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) is hosting a town hall meeting on Thursday night in Painesville at 7:00 p.m. Sherrod Brown will discuss the Health-care Reform Act at Elm Street Elementary School, 585 Elm St.
What is hilarious about this is...the article is so small that my thumb would cover it up. Do you think he really wants anyone to know about it? What's he afraid of? Why was this posted 1 day before the actual town hall meeting?
PS: I didn't even touch on the cost of Universal Health Care, America can not afford any more debt!!!!
If you would like to voice your opinion to Regional Representative Max Blachman he can be reached at
Or you can contact Senator Sherrod Brown at 1-888-896-6446 or
I attended the health-care forum Thursday night, October 29, in Painesville, Ohio. First before I give you my take, I would like to thank Councilman Flock for organizing this engaging and informative event on a very important issue facing America. He cordially welcomed everyone and ran the event well.
Senator Sherrod Brown who was suppose to host this town hall meeting did not attend but instead sent Regional Representative Max Blachman to field questions.
Even though I said it was engaging and informative I did not learn much about the health-care plan from Representative Max himself. Instead I learned more listening to the questions from the rather small crowd of only about 35 who attended, almost all were in opposition. It was pointed out to me various reasons for the small attendance. One was lack of promoting the event and the other reason was the area it was held has a lot of welfare and those people don’t care. Something else I heard at the event was they were going to have heightened security because of the opposition to the plan and Conservatives who may show. Really not sure how true any of this is.
I was not at all pleased with the rhetoric or demeanor from R. Rep. Max. Instead of giving real answers he used the term straw argument a few times, attacked profits as one of the reasons for spiraling health care costs, and blamed capitalism. He fast talked over my question and also blamed me as one of the reasons why the costs are out of control and the need for mandatory insurance
My questions were – I am self-employed, barely making it right now, very healthy, I choose not to have health insurance. BUT even if I did want it I can’t afford it and any more government involvement whether taxes or mandatory programs. If I choose not to carry health insurance will I be fined or jailed?
Max said no one will be sent to jail, I never heard that but a possible fine may be included. Well according to one proposal it would include a fine of up to $1,000.00 and up to six months in jail. He went on to say it was people like me who don’t carry health insurance and use the emergency room as primary care. I guess he was alluding to people not paying for the care they received. I was not at all happy when someone else used me as an example for one of the reasons for needing a plan. I confronted Max afterward to set things straight but he didn’t want any explanation.
The thing that upsets me the most is the term they keep using, health care crisis. There is no health care crisis. You can still be treated in a hospital if needed. Max repeatedly used this term. The loudest jeers and boos came when R. Rep. Max blamed capitalism. I don’t remember the exact question but blaming capitalism seems to me that he has socialist leanings and this is a socialist plan. Is capitalism perfect no but it has given us the highest standard of living and is still far better than socialism. He also attacked profits as if they are evil.
I was quite vocal when R. Rep. Max said the figure of 42 million for people who don’t have any health insurance. I spoke out of turn and asked loudly what is the real number, President Obama said 42 million then dropped it to 36 million and I have heard numbers as high as 47 million? Does this number include illegal aliens? R. Rep. Max responded those illegals are a straw argument; there is only 6 million in this country. 6 million people receiving care from your money is not a straw argument. That’s where you need to start, who is covered in this plan?
Questions were raised whether abortion would be covered and if you can keep you existing coverage. To be honest with you, I don’t remember the answers to those. By this time I was turned off by Max’s answer to the illegal alien question and him turning the tables on me as if I was the problem. As I said I learned more from the questions asked rather than the answers given of this enormous bill that I am pretty sure even R. Rep. Max hasn’t completely read because most of what was asked was answered with, no the plan doesn’t have that.
Side notes:
*It’s amazing how you can have two opposing views to an issue. A person spoke up and said they know people who go to Canada for medicine and universal healthcare is working for Canada. To that I shouted I have family living in Canada and she is not at all happy with their system. Someone else gave me the thumbs up and said I agree with you, I also have family living up there and they are not happy.
**When I confronted R. Rep. Max afterwards I asked him again about the fine and or jail time, he replied no jail time but there would be some incentive to make you get it.
***I also tried to set him and said I own three houses, have paid property and income tax, he cut me off and said property tax doesn’t pay for health care. The point I was trying to make is, I am a citizen born here and have paid taxes for years, if someone should be covered or use the emergency room then it should be someone as myself not an illegal.
**** A veteran brought to my attention that there was no pledge of allegiance and no recognition of the vets serving.
******This is the email I received informing me of this event:
On Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Posted in the Northeast Ohio News-Herald on page A3 was written in a SMALL area, about the size of a United States postage stamp…..Our Representative Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) is hosting a town hall meeting on Thursday night in Painesville at 7:00 p.m. Sherrod Brown will discuss the Health-care Reform Act at Elm Street Elementary School, 585 Elm St.
What is hilarious about this is...the article is so small that my thumb would cover it up. Do you think he really wants anyone to know about it? What's he afraid of? Why was this posted 1 day before the actual town hall meeting?
PS: I didn't even touch on the cost of Universal Health Care, America can not afford any more debt!!!!
If you would like to voice your opinion to Regional Representative Max Blachman he can be reached at
Or you can contact Senator Sherrod Brown at 1-888-896-6446 or
Saturday, October 31, 2009
excerpts from articles
From Yahoo Sports:
Coach Todd Haley and first-year general manager Scott Pioli have repeatedly said they are trying to build a new culture and a new attitude for a struggling franchise, which has sunk to the bottom of the NFL and that disloyalty will not be tolerated.
Larry Johnson, who needs just 75 yards rushing to break the team’s career record, first used the gay slur on his Twitter account in an exchange with one of his followers on Sunday night.
Then in a whispered remark on Monday after telling reporters in the locker room he was not talking, Johnson repeated the slur, according to the Kansas City Star which has posted audio of the alleged comment.
The three-sentence news release issued Wednesday night by the team said only that Johnson, who turns 30 in a few weeks, was suspended for conduct detrimental to the club.
What can we learn from this article? Number three, our free speech no longer exists unless you down America, Christians or Conservative values. Number two, what does Larry speaking his opinion off the field have to do with football? And number one is.... the coach and gm are trying to build a new culture and attitude for a struggling franchise in Kansas City. New culture? Struggling franchise? NO kidding! They are turning their players into girly men not football players.
DETROIT (Reuters) – In a crowded ballroom next to a bankrupt casino, what remains of the Detroit property market was being picked over by speculators and mostly discarded.
And what can we learn from this excerpt about all the empty houses in Detroit being auctioned off?
OH whats that? A bankrupt casino? I thought all this ballyhoo in Cleveland was how opening a casino will save the day? It won't. For my fellow friends who have been bombarded with false advertisement and finally accepted casino's and gambling, I hope this opens your eyes.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, was a leader in a group known as Ummah or "the brotherhood," a mostly African-American group of converts to Islam that seeks to establish a separate Sharia law-governed state within the United States, the FBI said.
Are these African Americans screwed up or what??? Why did Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. die? He fought to gain rights for blacks and unite America. What does this group of Islamo-wacko's want to do? Separate. Blacks have torn down every barrier and now they want to separate. Just crazy. Now I know why Islamic women cover their face, they're embarrassed and don't want to be seen.
And in spite of the hate crimes bill, Carey continues on. Besides this ain't hate, its just speaking the truth.
Coach Todd Haley and first-year general manager Scott Pioli have repeatedly said they are trying to build a new culture and a new attitude for a struggling franchise, which has sunk to the bottom of the NFL and that disloyalty will not be tolerated.
Larry Johnson, who needs just 75 yards rushing to break the team’s career record, first used the gay slur on his Twitter account in an exchange with one of his followers on Sunday night.
Then in a whispered remark on Monday after telling reporters in the locker room he was not talking, Johnson repeated the slur, according to the Kansas City Star which has posted audio of the alleged comment.
The three-sentence news release issued Wednesday night by the team said only that Johnson, who turns 30 in a few weeks, was suspended for conduct detrimental to the club.
What can we learn from this article? Number three, our free speech no longer exists unless you down America, Christians or Conservative values. Number two, what does Larry speaking his opinion off the field have to do with football? And number one is.... the coach and gm are trying to build a new culture and attitude for a struggling franchise in Kansas City. New culture? Struggling franchise? NO kidding! They are turning their players into girly men not football players.
DETROIT (Reuters) – In a crowded ballroom next to a bankrupt casino, what remains of the Detroit property market was being picked over by speculators and mostly discarded.
And what can we learn from this excerpt about all the empty houses in Detroit being auctioned off?
OH whats that? A bankrupt casino? I thought all this ballyhoo in Cleveland was how opening a casino will save the day? It won't. For my fellow friends who have been bombarded with false advertisement and finally accepted casino's and gambling, I hope this opens your eyes.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, was a leader in a group known as Ummah or "the brotherhood," a mostly African-American group of converts to Islam that seeks to establish a separate Sharia law-governed state within the United States, the FBI said.
Are these African Americans screwed up or what??? Why did Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. die? He fought to gain rights for blacks and unite America. What does this group of Islamo-wacko's want to do? Separate. Blacks have torn down every barrier and now they want to separate. Just crazy. Now I know why Islamic women cover their face, they're embarrassed and don't want to be seen.
And in spite of the hate crimes bill, Carey continues on. Besides this ain't hate, its just speaking the truth.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
In Case You Missed This News Story
In case you missed it.
Today in Glandale, Arizona an Iraqi ran over his daughter with his car in a store parking lot. The reason? She was becoming to westernized.
Two things struck me in this story, and it wasn't the Iraqi's car. One is, that's usually what happens when you come to America, you become Westernized and number two, what kind of vehicle was the father in? A camel - No! A small foreign car - No! A good ole American SUV - Jeep Grand Cherokee! I think that's a bit westernized don't you? Wonder if he gets another virgin for this action?
Somehow the girl has to exploit this, do commercials, make money and become really Westernized to impress her lovable Dad, you know something like...
Are you run down? Need to get away? ........
Seriously, I hope the girl recovers, they find this creep and put him in a nice western jail for life.
Today in Glandale, Arizona an Iraqi ran over his daughter with his car in a store parking lot. The reason? She was becoming to westernized.
Two things struck me in this story, and it wasn't the Iraqi's car. One is, that's usually what happens when you come to America, you become Westernized and number two, what kind of vehicle was the father in? A camel - No! A small foreign car - No! A good ole American SUV - Jeep Grand Cherokee! I think that's a bit westernized don't you? Wonder if he gets another virgin for this action?
Somehow the girl has to exploit this, do commercials, make money and become really Westernized to impress her lovable Dad, you know something like...
Are you run down? Need to get away? ........
Seriously, I hope the girl recovers, they find this creep and put him in a nice western jail for life.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Another sign of the end times? The Barren Sea
I went to Arthur Treachers a few weeks ago and noticed the big pieces of fish are gone. They are now replaced by a thinner fish. I asked the manager are the changes because of shortages? He replied there is a lot of changes going on and yes because of the lack of fish.
Hoki the popular fish used in fast-food fish sandwiches is in jeopardy.
And now its cod.
I am for free enterprise but maybe its time to end the all you can eat fish frys and buffets.
There is so much waste and people tend to over indulge. Is this yet another sign of the
last days???
Hoki the popular fish used in fast-food fish sandwiches is in jeopardy.
And now its cod.
I am for free enterprise but maybe its time to end the all you can eat fish frys and buffets.
There is so much waste and people tend to over indulge. Is this yet another sign of the
last days???
arthur treachers,
free enterprise,
Thursday, October 08, 2009
The Bridge Project - Cleveland, Ohio

Hey Gang,
A quick posting with some photos from two weekends ago of the Bridge Project. I want to thank Sharon for posting this event on the GoGo Board. This is an event everyone should see at least once.
The Bridge Project is held on the lower level of the Detroit/Superior bridge in downtown Cleveland. This is where the old trolley cars use to run. I was so completely amazed at how much space is below ground. I never knew that Cleveland at one time had a subway, at least parts of it were underground.
Dad remembers it vaguely as a kid. My grandfather never had a car and they would take the trolley to the zoo and to get around Cleveland. Dad said it would be scary going over the bridge as they would sit near the back and were able to look down through the grating at the river way below.
What I completely don't understand is the lameness of Cleveland. They are trying to come up with all kinds of ways for mass transit and the push today is for electric vehicles, well why don't they just refurbish the old street car lines? I just don't get it, the structure is already in place.
You really need to experience this event. Its very hard to describe. Just walking around looking at the massiveness and details of the pillars and work is something to behold. The condition and the eeriness reminded me of the Mansfield Reformatory. The craftsmanship of years ago is such a lost art, never again to be duplicated.
Something else got my attention that to me strikes down the theory of the earth being millions of years old. Hanging from the roof of the lower level were stalactites. They were about 15 inches or so long. Now if they could grow that long in a relatively short period of time, think of how fast they could grow underground with the right conditions.
As for the art, entertainment and oddball displays it was completely eclectic. There were a couple of stages set up for bands, one band was conventional, the other was pots and pans. There was a small stage set up for plays. A few sitting rooms that you can't quite explain the inspiration for their design. A Dj playing rave music. Beer, hot dog and food stands. Weird old movies playing from projectors being shown on the walls. Just very odd and so amusing the different styles of entertainment. One person had a neat novel idea. He set up a microphone and video camera and if you told a joke he would give you a nickel. It was to promote his website service. Here is the link:
See if you can find me telling two of my Carey originals. If you can't spot me I will tell
the number.
The atmosphere was almost Goth in feel because of the lighting and condition, sort of like those futuristic movies where everything is destroyed and people are making the most what they have. Just a very fun and entertaining evening that broke the monotony of the norm.
Why Cleveland didn't promote this more is beyond me. Make plans for next year and attend it, you won't be disappointed.
Gotta GoGo!!
bridge project,
Monday, October 05, 2009
This That and the Other Thing
Down & Up
House values down, all other prices going up! Enough said on that.
Values down but....
Though house values have fallen it states in the new valuation - This may not reflect a savings in tax. Enough said on that also.
Meet interesting people
A friend sent an email with a link to a neighborhood watch map by Family Watchdog. The map shows people with criminal records and sex offenders who are living in your neighborhood. Who was one of the site sponsors? Cupid. Their slogan - meet interesting people. I say so.
No more talking
Dad and I frequently talk politics and all the wrong that is existing. I said dad when I tell you one of the provisions in the immigration reform bill then you will realize there is no reason to try and make sense out of anything, not Euclid, nothing. In the bill is written permanent temporary visas. Thats impossible. Leave it to the Dems to think of that one.
End of recession
Ben Bernanke Chairman of the Federal Reserve said a couple of weeks ago that the worse recession since the 30's is over but that doesn't mean job loss won't continue to rise. Makes as much sense as permanent temporary visas
Poor Chicago
Chicago didnt get the olympics. I guess President Obama didn't make a strong enough pitch that drive by shootings, dodge the bullet and hide the money envelop qualifies the city.
Run and Shoot
The Cleveland Cavaliers have been looking for a player that can run and shoot. They found a player with those credentials in Delonte West. Unfortunately for the Cavs West is doing it off the court and not on.
House values down, all other prices going up! Enough said on that.
Values down but....
Though house values have fallen it states in the new valuation - This may not reflect a savings in tax. Enough said on that also.
Meet interesting people
A friend sent an email with a link to a neighborhood watch map by Family Watchdog. The map shows people with criminal records and sex offenders who are living in your neighborhood. Who was one of the site sponsors? Cupid. Their slogan - meet interesting people. I say so.
No more talking
Dad and I frequently talk politics and all the wrong that is existing. I said dad when I tell you one of the provisions in the immigration reform bill then you will realize there is no reason to try and make sense out of anything, not Euclid, nothing. In the bill is written permanent temporary visas. Thats impossible. Leave it to the Dems to think of that one.
End of recession
Ben Bernanke Chairman of the Federal Reserve said a couple of weeks ago that the worse recession since the 30's is over but that doesn't mean job loss won't continue to rise. Makes as much sense as permanent temporary visas
Poor Chicago
Chicago didnt get the olympics. I guess President Obama didn't make a strong enough pitch that drive by shootings, dodge the bullet and hide the money envelop qualifies the city.
Run and Shoot
The Cleveland Cavaliers have been looking for a player that can run and shoot. They found a player with those credentials in Delonte West. Unfortunately for the Cavs West is doing it off the court and not on.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hope for California? California Gubernarorials
Hope for California? Emily from the west coast thinks so and she has asked that I forward this on. Consider it done Em!
Hey Carey/Kevin,
For the first time in a while, I feel hopeful that California has a shot at a true recovery. Initially, I was going to support Meg Whitman because I saw her when she was campaigning with Palin. She was the only somewhat promising candidate I had heard of for the California GOP (we have closed primaries, so it's not like I can choose a different party). But it REALLY bugged me that she was so chummy with Van Jones. Her ambiguity on life in the womb is extremely disgusting and her vagueness on offshore drilling is irresponsible. She places way more importance on environmental issues than she should, in my opinion.
Steve Poizner(yeah, lousy name but good man) has articulated a CLEAR, CONCISE, and SPECIFIC plan for allowing California to climb out of the mess it's in. He is currently the state's Insurance Commissioner and is the only one who has budgeted a California agency in such a way to create a surplus WITHOUT raising taxes and fees, this is a matter of record. In fact, when it was discovered that there was a surplus, he went about CUTTING insurance taxes and fees. He believes in LOCAL control of school boards, not state and not federal. He supports offshore drilling to reduce costly oil imports to California. He supports seawater desalination for coastal districts so that not as much water will need to be imported.
He believes in only traditional marriage - basically civil unions and domestic partnerships are tolerable, but changing the definition of marriage to support gay unions is a no no. He believes in abortion only in extreme life-of-the-mother/rape/incest cases but for all other reasons he is opposed to abortions and is especially opposed to government funded abortions. He supports the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Whitman is refusing to debate him, which sends up red flags about her. He signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
According to Poizner's website, he wants a:
10% reduction in all personal income tax rates
10% reduction in the state sales tax rate
10% reduction in the corporation tax rate
50% reduction in the capital gains tax rate
Carey/Kevin (which is it? sorry, I don't know), I'm sorry if this sounds like a political commercial but it's not crap. I was totally in favor of Whitman 2 hours ago, but we can't afford vagueries anymore. I'm humbly asking that you forward this to any of your friends and lists in California. Poizner's only fault is he happens to be married to a democrat and they have a joint checking account which explains the Gore donations. Whitman is not to be trusted, especially if she likes Van Jones.
Emily R Shelley
Hey Carey/Kevin,
For the first time in a while, I feel hopeful that California has a shot at a true recovery. Initially, I was going to support Meg Whitman because I saw her when she was campaigning with Palin. She was the only somewhat promising candidate I had heard of for the California GOP (we have closed primaries, so it's not like I can choose a different party). But it REALLY bugged me that she was so chummy with Van Jones. Her ambiguity on life in the womb is extremely disgusting and her vagueness on offshore drilling is irresponsible. She places way more importance on environmental issues than she should, in my opinion.
Steve Poizner(yeah, lousy name but good man) has articulated a CLEAR, CONCISE, and SPECIFIC plan for allowing California to climb out of the mess it's in. He is currently the state's Insurance Commissioner and is the only one who has budgeted a California agency in such a way to create a surplus WITHOUT raising taxes and fees, this is a matter of record. In fact, when it was discovered that there was a surplus, he went about CUTTING insurance taxes and fees. He believes in LOCAL control of school boards, not state and not federal. He supports offshore drilling to reduce costly oil imports to California. He supports seawater desalination for coastal districts so that not as much water will need to be imported.
He believes in only traditional marriage - basically civil unions and domestic partnerships are tolerable, but changing the definition of marriage to support gay unions is a no no. He believes in abortion only in extreme life-of-the-mother/rape/incest cases but for all other reasons he is opposed to abortions and is especially opposed to government funded abortions. He supports the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Whitman is refusing to debate him, which sends up red flags about her. He signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
According to Poizner's website, he wants a:
10% reduction in all personal income tax rates
10% reduction in the state sales tax rate
10% reduction in the corporation tax rate
50% reduction in the capital gains tax rate
Carey/Kevin (which is it? sorry, I don't know), I'm sorry if this sounds like a political commercial but it's not crap. I was totally in favor of Whitman 2 hours ago, but we can't afford vagueries anymore. I'm humbly asking that you forward this to any of your friends and lists in California. Poizner's only fault is he happens to be married to a democrat and they have a joint checking account which explains the Gore donations. Whitman is not to be trusted, especially if she likes Van Jones.
Emily R Shelley
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My definition of Acorn
This is probably the shortest blog you will ever see from me.
Carey's definition of the radical liberal socialist democratic group Acorn.
A Communist Organization Run by Nuts
Carey Masci
Carey's definition of the radical liberal socialist democratic group Acorn.
A Communist Organization Run by Nuts
Carey Masci
Friday, September 18, 2009
Its time!
Are you really aware, I mean really aware what is happening? Something is brewing friends. Its here, I mean I think its really here. Rallies are popping up, people are arming themselves, protests are happening, standing up to our government, its here.
Today I took a drive out to Madison, Ohio about 20 miles from my house. I stopped at my favorite burger stand. She asked hows business and where have I been? The topic quickly changed to the owner telling me she is getting more involved, Glen Beck is coming to Geneva, there has to be something I can do to tell the government no more socialism, leave me alone. ENOUGH!
I leave there to go buy parts at an rv dealer. The topic the owner and a customer were having was... protests, when will it erupt into violence, standing up to the government. ENOUGH!!!
In Texas last month I spoke with a couple of gentleman. The topic, arming themselves. 8 thousands rounds and I am looking for more. If they think they are coming for my guns look out, I am taking someone out. ENOUGH!
Turn on the news when I got home. Hannity is on location in Ca. with a huge gathering. The topic was telling the government we want our rights back, people losing jobs, farms drying up. ENOUGH!
Go to my computer. An email from my attorney saying that Euclid is demanding money for a fee I already paid to register my house or a warrant will be issued by Sept. 25th. They want me out, they want my house or they just want to prove that I can't beat them. ENOUGH!
Sept. 12, Washington DC. 2 million show up. ENOUGH!
All this made me think of a couple of protest songs of the 60's and then I quickly jotted down mine. Maybe someone can find a way to put it to music.
Where will you be when the revolution hits?? I think its time because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Its time - 2009
The tide of all injustices will no longer be in control
There is chaos nearing ever closer as the opposition grows
The tricks of over used tyranny are only good for kings
People will not sit by going hungry from the tax mans sting
Multitudes mounting up with wooden signs they made
Telling our leaders enough we just won't be enslaved
Cities like Euclid trampling on our rights
Discarding the constitution they think we won't put up a fight
Theres strength in numbers and one loud united voice
But do it now while you still can or lose your freedom and choice
Rise up - rise up right now - rise up
Unite & join the fight - unite right now - right now
Take it to the street and...
Rise up - rise up right now - rise up
Buffalo Springfield
For what its worth - 1967
There's somethin' happenin' here.
What it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there
A-tellin' me I've got to beware.
I think it's time we stop.
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
There's battle lines bein' drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speakin' their minds
A-gettin' so much resistance from behind.
I think it's time we stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
What a field day for the heat.
A thousand people in the street
Singin' songs and a-carryin' signs
Mostly sayin' hooray for our side.
It's time we stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
Paranoia strikes deep.
Into your life it will creep.
It starts when you're always afraid.
Step out of line, the MAN come and take you away.
You better stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Now, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
Monster - 1970
The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem "friendly" and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they were paying no mind
'Cause the people "got" fat and "grew" lazy
now their vote "is like a" meaningless "Tune"
"You know they talk about law "about" order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'
Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching
Are you really aware, I mean really aware what is happening? Something is brewing friends. Its here, I mean I think its really here. Rallies are popping up, people are arming themselves, protests are happening, standing up to our government, its here.
Today I took a drive out to Madison, Ohio about 20 miles from my house. I stopped at my favorite burger stand. She asked hows business and where have I been? The topic quickly changed to the owner telling me she is getting more involved, Glen Beck is coming to Geneva, there has to be something I can do to tell the government no more socialism, leave me alone. ENOUGH!
I leave there to go buy parts at an rv dealer. The topic the owner and a customer were having was... protests, when will it erupt into violence, standing up to the government. ENOUGH!!!
In Texas last month I spoke with a couple of gentleman. The topic, arming themselves. 8 thousands rounds and I am looking for more. If they think they are coming for my guns look out, I am taking someone out. ENOUGH!
Turn on the news when I got home. Hannity is on location in Ca. with a huge gathering. The topic was telling the government we want our rights back, people losing jobs, farms drying up. ENOUGH!
Go to my computer. An email from my attorney saying that Euclid is demanding money for a fee I already paid to register my house or a warrant will be issued by Sept. 25th. They want me out, they want my house or they just want to prove that I can't beat them. ENOUGH!
Sept. 12, Washington DC. 2 million show up. ENOUGH!
All this made me think of a couple of protest songs of the 60's and then I quickly jotted down mine. Maybe someone can find a way to put it to music.
Where will you be when the revolution hits?? I think its time because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Its time - 2009
The tide of all injustices will no longer be in control
There is chaos nearing ever closer as the opposition grows
The tricks of over used tyranny are only good for kings
People will not sit by going hungry from the tax mans sting
Multitudes mounting up with wooden signs they made
Telling our leaders enough we just won't be enslaved
Cities like Euclid trampling on our rights
Discarding the constitution they think we won't put up a fight
Theres strength in numbers and one loud united voice
But do it now while you still can or lose your freedom and choice
Rise up - rise up right now - rise up
Unite & join the fight - unite right now - right now
Take it to the street and...
Rise up - rise up right now - rise up
Buffalo Springfield
For what its worth - 1967
There's somethin' happenin' here.
What it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there
A-tellin' me I've got to beware.
I think it's time we stop.
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
There's battle lines bein' drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speakin' their minds
A-gettin' so much resistance from behind.
I think it's time we stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
What a field day for the heat.
A thousand people in the street
Singin' songs and a-carryin' signs
Mostly sayin' hooray for our side.
It's time we stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
Paranoia strikes deep.
Into your life it will creep.
It starts when you're always afraid.
Step out of line, the MAN come and take you away.
You better stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Now, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
You better stop.
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin'..
Monster - 1970
The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem "friendly" and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they were paying no mind
'Cause the people "got" fat and "grew" lazy
now their vote "is like a" meaningless "Tune"
"You know they talk about law "about" order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'
Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching
Bufalo Springfield,
Euclid Ohio,
Glen Beck,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Actual Number for the DC Rally on Sept. 12, 2009
My friend Vince in Pa. sent this email of dialogue he had with his friend Judith so I know its accurate. Some of the liberal news media reported that only 30,000 showed up to protest. Maybe we should hold the next rallies in front of their offices, maybe then they will get the numbers correct.
Here is the dialogue with a friend of mine, Judith, that was a part of the rally in D.C.
Subject: RE: 9-12-09 March on Washington - Angry Mob
Yes. It was exhilarating to be part of history. We had at least 2 million people. The police said it was the largest crowd in the history of protestors. They were totally unprepared but they admitted there wasn’t a single incident and they were really relaxed all day. They said we were respectful and easy to work with. If you haven’t gone on youtube and watched the video’s you should. There are plenty. We not only filled the area in front of the capital but also the area on both sides and down the mall to the Washington monument. It is one mile from the capital to the Washington monument and it was filled. I found out later that we did not have a permit to be on the mall. Guess it didn’t matter. They shut down Pennsylvania avenue . It was one mile from Freedom Plaza , next to the White House, to the capital. It was filled with marchers for 3 hours. Every state was represented including Alaska and Hawaii . There were more than 4500 buses, I think 5000 which dropped people off in Maryland and West of DC. They took the Metro into town. Imagine a fountain that bubbles up out of the ground and just keeps flowing. That was what happened with the Metro stations exits. People just kept bubbling out of the Metro and joining the march down Pennsylvania Avenue .
While most of the people had already assembled Marine One flew over taking Zero to Andrews AFB. They flew right over the mass of people. He had to see it but is ignoring it.
Some of us went early and filled many of the hotels around DC and Virginia. On Friday night we went to Walter Reed where Code Pink protests the war and the troops every Friday night. On Friday night troops leave the hospital to have a night on the town. We were there to show them we support them. There must have been 2000 of us and the troops saw and heard us.
On Thursday and Friday Afternoon we converged on the Senate and Congressional offices. We had a chance to go to Joe Wilson’s office and thank him for standing up for the people.
As you see we left our Capital grounds and mall in pristine condition.
Next year we want to do it again, double the crowd, and call it a “Pink Slip” rally.
God blessed us with no rain. It was great.
While we were in DC there was probably another 1 million participating in local Tea Parties around the country. I believe we made a statement to congress – “Remember, it’s We The People.” We did this without a leader, can you imagine what we will do when we have a leader?
Here is the dialogue with a friend of mine, Judith, that was a part of the rally in D.C.
Subject: RE: 9-12-09 March on Washington - Angry Mob
Yes. It was exhilarating to be part of history. We had at least 2 million people. The police said it was the largest crowd in the history of protestors. They were totally unprepared but they admitted there wasn’t a single incident and they were really relaxed all day. They said we were respectful and easy to work with. If you haven’t gone on youtube and watched the video’s you should. There are plenty. We not only filled the area in front of the capital but also the area on both sides and down the mall to the Washington monument. It is one mile from the capital to the Washington monument and it was filled. I found out later that we did not have a permit to be on the mall. Guess it didn’t matter. They shut down Pennsylvania avenue . It was one mile from Freedom Plaza , next to the White House, to the capital. It was filled with marchers for 3 hours. Every state was represented including Alaska and Hawaii . There were more than 4500 buses, I think 5000 which dropped people off in Maryland and West of DC. They took the Metro into town. Imagine a fountain that bubbles up out of the ground and just keeps flowing. That was what happened with the Metro stations exits. People just kept bubbling out of the Metro and joining the march down Pennsylvania Avenue .
While most of the people had already assembled Marine One flew over taking Zero to Andrews AFB. They flew right over the mass of people. He had to see it but is ignoring it.
Some of us went early and filled many of the hotels around DC and Virginia. On Friday night we went to Walter Reed where Code Pink protests the war and the troops every Friday night. On Friday night troops leave the hospital to have a night on the town. We were there to show them we support them. There must have been 2000 of us and the troops saw and heard us.
On Thursday and Friday Afternoon we converged on the Senate and Congressional offices. We had a chance to go to Joe Wilson’s office and thank him for standing up for the people.
As you see we left our Capital grounds and mall in pristine condition.
Next year we want to do it again, double the crowd, and call it a “Pink Slip” rally.
God blessed us with no rain. It was great.
While we were in DC there was probably another 1 million participating in local Tea Parties around the country. I believe we made a statement to congress – “Remember, it’s We The People.” We did this without a leader, can you imagine what we will do when we have a leader?
Code Pink,
DC rally,
national tea party
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Rep. Joe Wilson
Rep. Joe Wilson has come under further attack for his outburst of yelling "You Lie!" during President Obama's health care speech. Some are now saying it was racially motivated, BUNK. Rep. Wilson is not perfect BUT still has a fine record, lets stop this Liberal assault on his character by supporting him.
Representative Joe Wilson is a Republican currently serving District 2 in South Carolina, which encompasses Hilton Head and has served in the House from 2001-Present.
Representative Joe Wilson has had an outstanding record when it comes to border security. There are currently at least 12 million (with estimates reaching as high as 30 million) illegal aliens in this country. The first line of defense is controlling our porous borders. Representative Joe Wilson clearly wants to secure our borders and the votes show that.
After an illegal alien has entered our country the next line of defense isinterior enforcement. Currently employers are not required to verify that an applicant or employee is legally allowed to work in this country. In addition, local law enforcement at the state and local level have had their hands tied when dealing with illegal aliens by not even allowing them to inquire about arrestees' citizenship status. Representative Joe Wilson has worked hard to allow state and local law enforcement to help in reducing illegal immigration and to put in place workplace verification systems allowing employers to quickly verify the legal working status of their employees.
If an illegal alien avoids being picked up, or remains here after receiving deportation orders, the next thing they look for are incentives, rewards and benefits. Amnesty is the largest of these rewards and gives illegal aliens a path to citizenship or makes them instantly legal. Representative Joe Wilson has not had a chance to vote yet on amnesty for illegal aliens.
Representative Joe Wilson has voted against giving illegal aliens further rewards and other incentives to come such as in-state tuition,educational benefits, welfare and health care services.
Once here, many illegal aliens have what is known as an "anchor baby". This is caused by a misinterpretation of our 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which calls for all born on American soil to be given US Citizenship. Unfortunately this Amendment has been misinterpreted and was initially put in place to ensure that freed slaves were citizens and has been twisted and misused to include even the children of foreigners who cross illegally into this country and have a child. Once born this new "citizen" allows the parent to gain benefits at the expense of the taxpayers. Representative Joe Wilson has been fiercely opposed to anchor babies and the increased illegal population that they support through taxpayer dollars.
On the issue of legal immigration Representative Joe Wilson has stood opposed to the visa lottery. Each year 50,000 names are chosen to come to the US legally without regards to their needs, intentions, education level or whether they would benefit the United States. "Winning the lottery" takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to immigration. Once in the country these new immigrants can apply for taxpayer funded services.
Once an immigrant is legally here they can send home to bring in more adults from their family such as parents, siblings and adult children. That legal immigrant can then bring in more family members directly related to them. This is called chain migration and Representative Joe Wilson is opposed to it. Chain migration has exponential growth and is the primary cause of the 4-fold increase in immigration to this country since 1960.
A high majority of refugee and asylum seekers to this country are not by international definition in need of relocation. This program is ripe with fraud and Representative Joe Wilson has worked hard to crack down on it.
Representative Joe Wilson has voted for increases in permanent and temporary foreign work visas such as the H1-B. Sometimes foreign workers are desirable in fields where there is a lack of American workers to fill the positions. All too often these work visa programs are abused by employers and used to get lower cost workers into this country rather than hiring American workers. For the foreign worker it is common to see them not return to their home country and remain here on an expired visa.
Overall, Representative Joe Wilson has a very good record when it comes to immigration reform.
We dub Representative Joe Wilson an immigration reformer receiving our third highest ranking and our seal of approval.
You can contact Joe Wilson through the locations below:
Phone: (202) 225-2452
Fax: (202) 225-2455
Washington DC Office:
2405 Rayburn House Office Building
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Rep. Joe Wilson has come under further attack for his outburst of yelling "You Lie!" during President Obama's health care speech. Some are now saying it was racially motivated, BUNK. Rep. Wilson is not perfect BUT still has a fine record, lets stop this Liberal assault on his character by supporting him.
Representative Joe Wilson is a Republican currently serving District 2 in South Carolina, which encompasses Hilton Head and has served in the House from 2001-Present.
Representative Joe Wilson has had an outstanding record when it comes to border security. There are currently at least 12 million (with estimates reaching as high as 30 million) illegal aliens in this country. The first line of defense is controlling our porous borders. Representative Joe Wilson clearly wants to secure our borders and the votes show that.
After an illegal alien has entered our country the next line of defense isinterior enforcement. Currently employers are not required to verify that an applicant or employee is legally allowed to work in this country. In addition, local law enforcement at the state and local level have had their hands tied when dealing with illegal aliens by not even allowing them to inquire about arrestees' citizenship status. Representative Joe Wilson has worked hard to allow state and local law enforcement to help in reducing illegal immigration and to put in place workplace verification systems allowing employers to quickly verify the legal working status of their employees.
If an illegal alien avoids being picked up, or remains here after receiving deportation orders, the next thing they look for are incentives, rewards and benefits. Amnesty is the largest of these rewards and gives illegal aliens a path to citizenship or makes them instantly legal. Representative Joe Wilson has not had a chance to vote yet on amnesty for illegal aliens.
Representative Joe Wilson has voted against giving illegal aliens further rewards and other incentives to come such as in-state tuition,educational benefits, welfare and health care services.
Once here, many illegal aliens have what is known as an "anchor baby". This is caused by a misinterpretation of our 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which calls for all born on American soil to be given US Citizenship. Unfortunately this Amendment has been misinterpreted and was initially put in place to ensure that freed slaves were citizens and has been twisted and misused to include even the children of foreigners who cross illegally into this country and have a child. Once born this new "citizen" allows the parent to gain benefits at the expense of the taxpayers. Representative Joe Wilson has been fiercely opposed to anchor babies and the increased illegal population that they support through taxpayer dollars.
On the issue of legal immigration Representative Joe Wilson has stood opposed to the visa lottery. Each year 50,000 names are chosen to come to the US legally without regards to their needs, intentions, education level or whether they would benefit the United States. "Winning the lottery" takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to immigration. Once in the country these new immigrants can apply for taxpayer funded services.
Once an immigrant is legally here they can send home to bring in more adults from their family such as parents, siblings and adult children. That legal immigrant can then bring in more family members directly related to them. This is called chain migration and Representative Joe Wilson is opposed to it. Chain migration has exponential growth and is the primary cause of the 4-fold increase in immigration to this country since 1960.
A high majority of refugee and asylum seekers to this country are not by international definition in need of relocation. This program is ripe with fraud and Representative Joe Wilson has worked hard to crack down on it.
Representative Joe Wilson has voted for increases in permanent and temporary foreign work visas such as the H1-B. Sometimes foreign workers are desirable in fields where there is a lack of American workers to fill the positions. All too often these work visa programs are abused by employers and used to get lower cost workers into this country rather than hiring American workers. For the foreign worker it is common to see them not return to their home country and remain here on an expired visa.
Overall, Representative Joe Wilson has a very good record when it comes to immigration reform.
We dub Representative Joe Wilson an immigration reformer receiving our third highest ranking and our seal of approval.
You can contact Joe Wilson through the locations below:
Phone: (202) 225-2452
Fax: (202) 225-2455
Washington DC Office:
2405 Rayburn House Office Building
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Saturday, September 12, 2009
3 Cheers for Old Yeller!!!
Way to go Joe!!! Tell it like it is and never apologize for speaking (yelling) the truth.
This link has a couple of good
clips near the middle where it says related.
This link has a couple of good
clips near the middle where it says related.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
"Your" Comments Regarding the Kennedy summary
I received some feedback from you so I am passing your worthwhile comments along.
The thing you always have to remember with any political humor and sometimes humor in general you have to look at the meaning and not at face value. I made some valid points with my off the wall humor.
But I will concede it is sad, if you delve into the Kennedy history and some of what Teddy had to endure. Maybe most of us would of become drunks also to hide the traumas he has seen.
Regardless, that still does not give him a free pass for the destruction he has caused this great nation with his Anti-American legislation. Mostly though I get upset at the voters for electing people like Teddy Kennedy into office and not educating themselves properly before voting.
Thank you for the Kennedy summary. Please do keep in mind that the Kennedy family believed in cover ups. For example the Rosemary story. After her failed lobotomy experiment she was instituttionalized and Joe Kennedy Sr forbade that her name ever be mentioned again. She was a member of the family , and yet all her sibling just up and forgot about her plight. This same goes with the Marilyn Monroe suicide and the Chappidick incident.
This family learned how to bury their secrets when it is in their best interests.
Thank You
Joe U
I tried calling Mary Jo Kopechny for her opinion on Ted’s death, but,
she was not available for comment.
I have NO LOVE of TED and I found this and the only reason he is buried in Arlington is his Family name and position. I was a SGT with 6 years in the Army with 2 1/2 years on the ground in South Vietnam and I can't be buried there... best I could do is be cremated and placed in a Columbarium... burial in the ground is not allowed for my pay grade and status.
Ted's military "career"
regulations for Columbarium
regulations for in the ground burial
I find this all interesting but maybe fitting that now he will have to look Kopechne in the eye and tell her the truth.
question... what is worse.... liberal hearted or heartless?
Carey.... compassion has no political boundaries.
We all have a skeleton in the closet somewhere.... and because we are human means... we ALL make mistakes.
Teddy wasn't my favorite political figure.... and I know that money seemed to rule his agenda like any other politician in Washington whether Rep. or Dem.....
................ but he left people behind that loved him. So did Michael Jackson... whether you liked his music or not.
Another soul has left this world.... and no one knows where it went.... neither you or your Mother!
And guess what..... it is in ALL our cards ... to die...
Someone sent this to me about mid June, its abbreviated:
This prophecy and the one dated 6/6/2009, I believe, are referring to the same events. I believe many of the most liberal/anti-God congressmembers and senators will be removed by God one way or another, and I believe Ted Kennedy will be one of them. Given the timing of the most recent June prophecy, I believe the time is close at hand and we are about to see a move of God like never before. He's done playing paddywhack and I know he heard our forefathers when they prayed at the foundation of this nation. Because God has already indicated his protection for President Obama, this is why I believe the deaths being referred to are members of Congress and Senate. I hope God removes Pelosi one way or another.
If you find your words in any of my articles with no name and you would like it mentioned please let me know.
I received some feedback from you so I am passing your worthwhile comments along.
The thing you always have to remember with any political humor and sometimes humor in general you have to look at the meaning and not at face value. I made some valid points with my off the wall humor.
But I will concede it is sad, if you delve into the Kennedy history and some of what Teddy had to endure. Maybe most of us would of become drunks also to hide the traumas he has seen.
Regardless, that still does not give him a free pass for the destruction he has caused this great nation with his Anti-American legislation. Mostly though I get upset at the voters for electing people like Teddy Kennedy into office and not educating themselves properly before voting.
Thank you for the Kennedy summary. Please do keep in mind that the Kennedy family believed in cover ups. For example the Rosemary story. After her failed lobotomy experiment she was instituttionalized and Joe Kennedy Sr forbade that her name ever be mentioned again. She was a member of the family , and yet all her sibling just up and forgot about her plight. This same goes with the Marilyn Monroe suicide and the Chappidick incident.
This family learned how to bury their secrets when it is in their best interests.
Thank You
Joe U
I tried calling Mary Jo Kopechny for her opinion on Ted’s death, but,
she was not available for comment.
I have NO LOVE of TED and I found this and the only reason he is buried in Arlington is his Family name and position. I was a SGT with 6 years in the Army with 2 1/2 years on the ground in South Vietnam and I can't be buried there... best I could do is be cremated and placed in a Columbarium... burial in the ground is not allowed for my pay grade and status.
Ted's military "career"
regulations for Columbarium
regulations for in the ground burial
I find this all interesting but maybe fitting that now he will have to look Kopechne in the eye and tell her the truth.
question... what is worse.... liberal hearted or heartless?
Carey.... compassion has no political boundaries.
We all have a skeleton in the closet somewhere.... and because we are human means... we ALL make mistakes.
Teddy wasn't my favorite political figure.... and I know that money seemed to rule his agenda like any other politician in Washington whether Rep. or Dem.....
................ but he left people behind that loved him. So did Michael Jackson... whether you liked his music or not.
Another soul has left this world.... and no one knows where it went.... neither you or your Mother!
And guess what..... it is in ALL our cards ... to die...
Someone sent this to me about mid June, its abbreviated:
This prophecy and the one dated 6/6/2009, I believe, are referring to the same events. I believe many of the most liberal/anti-God congressmembers and senators will be removed by God one way or another, and I believe Ted Kennedy will be one of them. Given the timing of the most recent June prophecy, I believe the time is close at hand and we are about to see a move of God like never before. He's done playing paddywhack and I know he heard our forefathers when they prayed at the foundation of this nation. Because God has already indicated his protection for President Obama, this is why I believe the deaths being referred to are members of Congress and Senate. I hope God removes Pelosi one way or another.
If you find your words in any of my articles with no name and you would like it mentioned please let me know.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Big Gains for the GOP in 2010?
Word is already circulating that there will be big gains for the GOP in 2010, not so fast. While its true a large majority of Americans are disillusioned with President Obama's broken promises, big government policies, trillions of dollars of debt and the fact that America is not ready for socialism this will not be enough to ensure Republican gains let alone victories. Fresh in everyone's mind that call themselves Conservative, Christian or a true Republican is how we have been pushed aside and forgotten in the last election up until the last ditch effort of choosing Governor Palin to woo us back.
The Republican Party is as much to blame or more so than the Democratic Party for the condition that America is in. Moral conscience voters and believers of freedom have not voted Democratic in some time. They have never hinged their hope on the Left for restoring America to where it should be. They have looked at the Republican Party as a beacon of light to lead us back to the Constitution and Godly principles. When the Republican Party failed to capitalize on their gains when they controlled the White House voters strayed or stayed home. So it isn't a given that the Democratic/Socialist Party will lose seats until the Republican Party learns how to rebuild and bring back to the fold voters who left and now call themselves independent or a member of another party.
For this to happen the GOP first needs to police the party and weed out elected officials for moral or other inappropriate actions, such as the behavior of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and failure to support the Constitution. All Republican leaders should of immediately demanded Sanford step down and strip him of any further party affiliation. WHY would you expect people to support the GOP if these misdeeds go unchecked, the party is no better or different then the Democratic Party.
Next our Republican Leaders then must ask themselves is it country or party first? After President Reagan the Republican presidential candidate it seems has been chosen or pushed to the front by the party elite or the media while the lower tier candidates have been silenced or ignored. I am tired of hearing I am voting for the lesser of two evils. The voice of the people is not being recognized. The Tea Parties that are breaking out all over the place are a product of this. The protests and anger being shown is aimed as much at the Republicans as it is against the Democratic regime now in office. We have little time to get the Republican Party united and back in shape, if not it will stay a minority party but more importantly America will continue its slide into complete socialism.
The Republican Party is as much to blame or more so than the Democratic Party for the condition that America is in. Moral conscience voters and believers of freedom have not voted Democratic in some time. They have never hinged their hope on the Left for restoring America to where it should be. They have looked at the Republican Party as a beacon of light to lead us back to the Constitution and Godly principles. When the Republican Party failed to capitalize on their gains when they controlled the White House voters strayed or stayed home. So it isn't a given that the Democratic/Socialist Party will lose seats until the Republican Party learns how to rebuild and bring back to the fold voters who left and now call themselves independent or a member of another party.
For this to happen the GOP first needs to police the party and weed out elected officials for moral or other inappropriate actions, such as the behavior of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and failure to support the Constitution. All Republican leaders should of immediately demanded Sanford step down and strip him of any further party affiliation. WHY would you expect people to support the GOP if these misdeeds go unchecked, the party is no better or different then the Democratic Party.
Next our Republican Leaders then must ask themselves is it country or party first? After President Reagan the Republican presidential candidate it seems has been chosen or pushed to the front by the party elite or the media while the lower tier candidates have been silenced or ignored. I am tired of hearing I am voting for the lesser of two evils. The voice of the people is not being recognized. The Tea Parties that are breaking out all over the place are a product of this. The protests and anger being shown is aimed as much at the Republicans as it is against the Democratic regime now in office. We have little time to get the Republican Party united and back in shape, if not it will stay a minority party but more importantly America will continue its slide into complete socialism.
Mark Sanford,
President Reagan,
Irreverent Look at Teddy Kennedy and the Serious Truth
The Irreverent look
When Mom told me Teddy died I remarked good. It just automatically came out. I didn't think, it just flippantly flew out of my mouth. Mom said what do you mean good another soul gone below. Well honestly, she wasn't so poetic, she said its sad - he went to hell.
Rumor has it that Teddys last words were "Last CALL already?"
Teddy did leave a lasting legacy, history will always remember the three greatest maritime disasters, the sinking of the Titanic, the sinking of the Andrea Doria and the sinking of Teddy Kennedys car.
I still don't understand why they gave Teddy a military funeral. Can someone explain this? Maybe a naval funeral where they put him in his car, push it off a bridge and send it out to sea.
Teddy's brother Joe died in WWII, **an older sister had a lobotomy, two others brothers were assassinated, **the father had a stroke, a sister and his nephew died in a plane crash, another nephew died skiing and another died from a drug overdose and Teddy died from brain cancer. Do you think God was just a little upset at these people?
Teddy did do a lot for labor and the working man. In fact he did so much for the workingman that he helped send jobs over seas so they wouldn't have to work.
Teddy was known as the Lion in the Senate. I still think they have it wrong or who ever came up with it was misquoted. I believe it was Lyin' in the Senate.
It is a sad day really for all of us Conservatives, especially the political humorists. We will have to come up with new material. We have Obama but a big eared screaming socialist is not nearly as entertaining as a bumbling screaming Liberal drunk Irish. We will miss him. And so will the bars.
The Serious Truth
The Hero of Chappaquiddick is gone. While we mourn the loss for his family, Mr Kennedy really has been a failure as a Senator, both morally and politically. On immigration, Mr. Kennedy's policies have been a disaster:
illegals pouring into the country.
On health care, he failed to make the connection between access and cost: If you want universal coverage, then it will cost to provide those services. Finally, his stance on voting rights directly led to the DOJ action against Euclid, with devasting results.
Sad for his family, but, it gives hope to the political landscape
(this was written by a friend, I did not include his name as I wasn't sure if he wanted to be mentioned)
**Maybe I shouldn't include such an observation in an off the wall humorous email but my friend Joe pointed this out and he was being very serious, no humor what so ever here.
He said Isn't it ironic that Joe Kennedy Sr. a womanizer, as were his sons, made his daughter go through a lobotomy because she was sneaking out at night to be with men that left her a babbling retard and then he had a stroke that left him babbling.
And then I added, and JFK was shot in the head and Teddy had brain cancer. Makes one think, don't it?
NOT for the squeamish, there are many references of Rosemary's lobotomy on the web, this is just one. Why would I include it? My point is, womanizers, drunks, boot legging, making a daughter have a lobotomy, horrible legislation, this is the kind of people we hail as heros and mourn? Sad commentary on America.
"We went through the top of the head, I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside," he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backwards. ... "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." ... When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.
When Mom told me Teddy died I remarked good. It just automatically came out. I didn't think, it just flippantly flew out of my mouth. Mom said what do you mean good another soul gone below. Well honestly, she wasn't so poetic, she said its sad - he went to hell.
Rumor has it that Teddys last words were "Last CALL already?"
Teddy did leave a lasting legacy, history will always remember the three greatest maritime disasters, the sinking of the Titanic, the sinking of the Andrea Doria and the sinking of Teddy Kennedys car.
I still don't understand why they gave Teddy a military funeral. Can someone explain this? Maybe a naval funeral where they put him in his car, push it off a bridge and send it out to sea.
Teddy's brother Joe died in WWII, **an older sister had a lobotomy, two others brothers were assassinated, **the father had a stroke, a sister and his nephew died in a plane crash, another nephew died skiing and another died from a drug overdose and Teddy died from brain cancer. Do you think God was just a little upset at these people?
Teddy did do a lot for labor and the working man. In fact he did so much for the workingman that he helped send jobs over seas so they wouldn't have to work.
Teddy was known as the Lion in the Senate. I still think they have it wrong or who ever came up with it was misquoted. I believe it was Lyin' in the Senate.
It is a sad day really for all of us Conservatives, especially the political humorists. We will have to come up with new material. We have Obama but a big eared screaming socialist is not nearly as entertaining as a bumbling screaming Liberal drunk Irish. We will miss him. And so will the bars.
The Serious Truth
The Hero of Chappaquiddick is gone. While we mourn the loss for his family, Mr Kennedy really has been a failure as a Senator, both morally and politically. On immigration, Mr. Kennedy's policies have been a disaster:
illegals pouring into the country.
On health care, he failed to make the connection between access and cost: If you want universal coverage, then it will cost to provide those services. Finally, his stance on voting rights directly led to the DOJ action against Euclid, with devasting results.
Sad for his family, but, it gives hope to the political landscape
(this was written by a friend, I did not include his name as I wasn't sure if he wanted to be mentioned)
**Maybe I shouldn't include such an observation in an off the wall humorous email but my friend Joe pointed this out and he was being very serious, no humor what so ever here.
He said Isn't it ironic that Joe Kennedy Sr. a womanizer, as were his sons, made his daughter go through a lobotomy because she was sneaking out at night to be with men that left her a babbling retard and then he had a stroke that left him babbling.
And then I added, and JFK was shot in the head and Teddy had brain cancer. Makes one think, don't it?
NOT for the squeamish, there are many references of Rosemary's lobotomy on the web, this is just one. Why would I include it? My point is, womanizers, drunks, boot legging, making a daughter have a lobotomy, horrible legislation, this is the kind of people we hail as heros and mourn? Sad commentary on America.
"We went through the top of the head, I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside," he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backwards. ... "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." ... When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.
Rosemary Kennedy,
Teddy Kennedy
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ole Onion Head Passes On
Political Friends,
I am sure you are aware by now that Senator Teddy Kennedy has passed on. Sad day for Liberals - hope for us Conservatives. Though, trust me, the battle is about to get even more intense with this universal health care. There will be a lot of weepy eyed Camelot era Democrats wanting to erect gold statues of Chappaquiddick Teddy. Health care was one of Teddy's goals and I am sure there will be a push to honor him, name it after him, lets do it for Teddy just get the health care bill passed cry. Batten down the hatches, get ready to fight to make sure this dreadful bill, that includes abortion as part of health care, doesn't.
I am sure you are aware by now that Senator Teddy Kennedy has passed on. Sad day for Liberals - hope for us Conservatives. Though, trust me, the battle is about to get even more intense with this universal health care. There will be a lot of weepy eyed Camelot era Democrats wanting to erect gold statues of Chappaquiddick Teddy. Health care was one of Teddy's goals and I am sure there will be a push to honor him, name it after him, lets do it for Teddy just get the health care bill passed cry. Batten down the hatches, get ready to fight to make sure this dreadful bill, that includes abortion as part of health care, doesn't.
Carey's politically incorrect hodgepodge
I saw a political cartoon where a man was saying now that Al Gore has been quiet we can go back to calling global warming by its true name, summer.
To go along with that, in a newspaper article explaining the El Nino affect it said this has been one of the coolest July's in the past 100 years. Then again maybe El Nino has nothing to do with it. It could be because EGore's finally run out of hot air.
My Jewish friend has been sick. He was concerned that maybe he had the swine flu. I said and you being Jewish makes having the swine flu twice as bad.
Rep. Barney Franks just doesn't get it. The Democrats are bouncing around aimlessly, even though on issues of grave importance like homosexual rights they stand erect, ummm I mean united. I watched Franks on C Span doing a town hall meeting for health care. He said I am all for labor unions and think the American wages need to go up. OK let me analyze this for you.
We have Obama trying to cut the costs of the American auto makers. We have jobs going over seas because we can't compete with their lower labor costs. And here is Franks saying we need to increase our wages. I have said this for years, you want the economy to rebound quickly and grow, lower minimum wage.
America has waged another battle as you know against obesity. I just wonder if Obama with his Muslim ties will try to incorporate the Shiite policy of starving wives into the health care plan.
Congress came up with a way to save electricity at the White House. They are shutting off President Obama's TelePrompTer. The President was speechless.
At least we now have a Democratic president doing something right. We had President Clinton who didn't know how to smoke pot and said he didn't inhale. Today we have President Obama who smoked crack and did inhale.
NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is suppose to close. Now if you want to learn about black holes and space you will have to attend one of the Cleveland City Council meetings.
The Obama adminstration is thinking about Cash for Fridges. Thats great, first cash for clunkers so you will have a new car to drive to the grocery store to fill your new fridge. Two big problems. Does anyone have gas money to drive to the store and money for groceries to fill the new fridge?
The bad and the good. The bad is Rhode Islands government is about to shut down for 12 days. That shows how bad our economic situation is. The good, the government is shutting down for 12 days, there is hope.
To go along with that, in a newspaper article explaining the El Nino affect it said this has been one of the coolest July's in the past 100 years. Then again maybe El Nino has nothing to do with it. It could be because EGore's finally run out of hot air.
My Jewish friend has been sick. He was concerned that maybe he had the swine flu. I said and you being Jewish makes having the swine flu twice as bad.
Rep. Barney Franks just doesn't get it. The Democrats are bouncing around aimlessly, even though on issues of grave importance like homosexual rights they stand erect, ummm I mean united. I watched Franks on C Span doing a town hall meeting for health care. He said I am all for labor unions and think the American wages need to go up. OK let me analyze this for you.
We have Obama trying to cut the costs of the American auto makers. We have jobs going over seas because we can't compete with their lower labor costs. And here is Franks saying we need to increase our wages. I have said this for years, you want the economy to rebound quickly and grow, lower minimum wage.
America has waged another battle as you know against obesity. I just wonder if Obama with his Muslim ties will try to incorporate the Shiite policy of starving wives into the health care plan.
Congress came up with a way to save electricity at the White House. They are shutting off President Obama's TelePrompTer. The President was speechless.
At least we now have a Democratic president doing something right. We had President Clinton who didn't know how to smoke pot and said he didn't inhale. Today we have President Obama who smoked crack and did inhale.
NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is suppose to close. Now if you want to learn about black holes and space you will have to attend one of the Cleveland City Council meetings.
The Obama adminstration is thinking about Cash for Fridges. Thats great, first cash for clunkers so you will have a new car to drive to the grocery store to fill your new fridge. Two big problems. Does anyone have gas money to drive to the store and money for groceries to fill the new fridge?
The bad and the good. The bad is Rhode Islands government is about to shut down for 12 days. That shows how bad our economic situation is. The good, the government is shutting down for 12 days, there is hope.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
So you want to be Muslim?
So you want to be Muslim? Religion of peace? Equal with our God?
For all those women I see wrapped in blankets, hiding their faces in America. Unwrap yourself, you are in the land of the free. Why did Jesus come? To set the captives free, get the Allah out of here. Read this article:
For all those women I see wrapped in blankets, hiding their faces in America. Unwrap yourself, you are in the land of the free. Why did Jesus come? To set the captives free, get the Allah out of here. Read this article:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ron Paul on health care w/ my points
Friends listen to this clip carefully and how Ron Paul sticks to his point. It saddens me deeply when I see the direction America is taking. We HAD the right candidates, Conservatism is NOT dead, we did not support them. Where would America be now if Paul was at the helm?
Some points that I want you to pay attention to. In part one Ron Paul keeps repeating America is broke, Medicaid is broke, veterans care isn't the best, and hospitals like the Shriners are going broke because of the government and yet we want to trust the government for our health care?
Point 2: Ron Paul brings out that in the stimulus package 50 BILLION was spent on government surveillance on every medical transaction to try and help streamline it. Look at Dr. Gupta's face when Ron Paul takes him to school. Then Gupta tries to cover up by saying the 50 billion was needed to help streamline the system. They want to spend 50 BILLION to try and save money?????
Point 3: In clip 2 Listen to the words of Dr. Gupta carefully, at one point he says "If you leave it to the goodness of man to take care of these problems it hasn't been taken care of" Extremely contradictory of what Ron Paul says of more church hospitals, more volunteerism. That sums up the difference between a Conservative and a Socialist, God and You can vs. You can't - the government can.
Some points that I want you to pay attention to. In part one Ron Paul keeps repeating America is broke, Medicaid is broke, veterans care isn't the best, and hospitals like the Shriners are going broke because of the government and yet we want to trust the government for our health care?
Point 2: Ron Paul brings out that in the stimulus package 50 BILLION was spent on government surveillance on every medical transaction to try and help streamline it. Look at Dr. Gupta's face when Ron Paul takes him to school. Then Gupta tries to cover up by saying the 50 billion was needed to help streamline the system. They want to spend 50 BILLION to try and save money?????
Point 3: In clip 2 Listen to the words of Dr. Gupta carefully, at one point he says "If you leave it to the goodness of man to take care of these problems it hasn't been taken care of" Extremely contradictory of what Ron Paul says of more church hospitals, more volunteerism. That sums up the difference between a Conservative and a Socialist, God and You can vs. You can't - the government can.
President Barack Obama,
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